Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

I don’t even think you’ve done the grind once, it’s become kinda awkward. You’re like a deaf person describing sound.

well that’s just not true considering there is 20+ people who participated to this thread and the majority wants it, you can see the post history yourself

whenever account wide essences are mentionned on the wow subreddit, the post makes it to the top since it’s just what people want, whoever comments against it in those threads are just burried in downvotes.

boomers out, account wide essences in


I don’t really care too much about what your opinion about me is, especially since you’ve had so many bad opinions in this thread, and the many others.

Point being, this is a horrible idea. We need less account-wide things, not more.

20 people, huh? Sounds like a whole lot of you guys.

Why ruin threads with this nonsense? lol

Even if I agreed with the topic and was reading through the thread I’d close it after seeing the same players who’re pushing for the idea be so childish.


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Look it’s another post where Yesuna refuses to post any evidence of doing the grind even once.

waiting for yesuna to prove it :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

:skull_and_crossbones: still :skull_and_crossbones: waiting :skull_and_crossbones:

:skull_and_crossbones: But :skull_and_crossbones: It’s :skull_and_crossbones: so :skull_and_crossbones: hard :skull_and_crossbones:

i mean do you even try when giving an answer or

literally you can see it at the top lmfao, here i screenshot it for you

gyazo(add a dot here)com/2c288bad88e0e2ade70921400fa656bf

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:skull_and_crossbones: so :skull_and_crossbones: hard :skull_and_crossbones:

Man they don’t have the guts to do it, but if they did then many players would come back to the game. They don’t want that type of positivity though. Sad for developers like them to be so negative :frowning:

I’m not being rude to them either. This is the atmosphere they’ve created.

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oh my is it another person in favor of account wide essences

who would’ve thought!!

welcome brother


I know, I don’t think you have to reach very far outside of the people you speak with in game to find people who echo quite literally “I’d play alts but i don’t want to do the grind”.

Happy 250 everyone! :partying_face:

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I know how to see, I also see that the top posters are the OP and I, then you follow up in third. I wonder how many of yalls posts in this thread aren’t spam though and carry some sort of meaning?

Honestly this resonates as the one positive that I can see Bliz having to making essences non-BoA… they now have a lower server load with the same amount of income. If you just log off instead of having their servers under load 3x as often… that’s a win win for them… they get your sub… and a minimal play time its paying for

How are you not getting this? Stop posting in this thread until you can prove you have skin in the game.

Anyone is welcome to post in any thread they want on this forum. You can’t dictate who can and cannot post here. You just want an echo-chamber where nobody is allowed to have a different opinion.

So you think they are doing this on purpose as a punishment to players?

Of course you are, but you’re stamping your foot down on a suggestion that has no drawbacks when you’ve clearly never done the grind yourself.

Blind person criticising the use of colours.

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Oh, it’s got drawbacks alright. I’ve listed a number of them but you, obviously, failed to read the posts since you were too busy spamming nonsense at me.

Not a single thing you suggested has a single shred of credibility. Nothing, like you have no skin in the game because you’ve never done it once.

we love account wide essences :slight_smile:

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OwO account bound essence san.