Account bans for gold buying

Apparently loads of accounts are being banned since the token was released. Seems weird blizz only just developed the technology to find these accounts after they implemented the token.


I figured as much. It’s 2-fold for them… Not only are 3rd party sellers their competition, they also allow people to effectively buy subs for half the price they would pay going through blizzard.


It just shows that the response they made up was a complete lie. They could detect the accounts all along but claimed they couldn’t :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I mean yea… but also did you really think they couldn’t “detect” the accounts? They shut down IGE 15 years ago by going after their seller accounts, why would it be any different today… the methods aren’t any different.

There are sellers on “unnamed massive gold site” with hundreds of millions in gold listed for sale. Even if they had no other internal way to unequivocally flag an account as a seller, they could still buy from just one of those and find connections to probably hundreds of other buyers/sellers. Or just every time they ban a bot, run through their connections. Who did they get gold from, who did they send gold to, who did those people receive/send to so on and so forth… and they’d uncover literally hundreds of exploiters…
Fully combatting botters I believe could and probably is a technical limitation. But the buying/selling of gold should be easy to trace, they just choose not to


We all knew they could. They claimed they couldn’t. But they are banning them left right and centre now. Would’ve just been nice if they didn’t lie to us and just said, we want more of your money so we’re implementing the wow token. Not write an article trying to convince the playerbase they care about them.


What you don’t appreciate your healthy dose of gas-lighting with every blue post?


Sure, they’re just now banning gold buyers. They’ve never banned gold buyers before the WoW token was released!

Quick, to the forums!! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Could either be one of the so-called “ban waves” or you just happened to be in the right place at the right time to notice quite a few players getting wrecked.
But honestly I haven’t heard anything about people getting banned.


A lot of people on discord and Reddit are reporting suspensions going out. I know of some people that have been buying gold since 2019 and never faced suspensions now getting them. It’s hilarious blizzard claims they couldnt enforce their own rules until now that they’ve decided to sell their own gold.


The SQL reports are cleaner now.

Player x with no 80’s, no uber crafters to make tip money…had gotten 7K gold.

Did they get a token?

Yes. clear off report.

No. lets look more into this.

And for poeple with 80’s. they have jsut made 21K!.

Did they buy and sell 3 tokens?

Yes. cleared.

No. now its looked at.

Token is removing noise off the reports the tl;dr. for examples sake easy numbers.

20K data points to look at now maybe 10k if not less. Token bought, data points removed. Now they get cleaner data.


There was a player that got banned for gold buying in a group i was in just before pulling kologarn and that was a month ago, so it was occurring before the token released.


Looks like introducing the token made 3rd party gold buyers easier to spot and ban, that’s a good thing.


Just Buy a Token? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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ok. they have additional revenue, so even if this were true, it makes sense. if anything it’s a GOOD thing, because it means they’re reinvesting the $ into the game


I do hope this is sarcasm

The token has provided them with the necessary funding to upgrade their tracking obviously

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Blizzard has been banning since forever but it’s impossible to ban everyone who does it, from the seller point of view there are people that their job is to farm gold to sell, you ain’t beating that and from the buyer that person clearly has disposable income are unafraid.
It’s just a cycle.

Now if you wanna be more incisive you could argue that blizzard were allowing small buyers a free pass but now that a legal way exist they cracking down on those too

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I mean I might buy it but they’ve been banning like this for a looooooooong time.

They ban in waves. People say they don’t then you see posts like this every 4-6 months. It’s not enough and they need to do more, but this isn’t new.

Lol how. That doesnt make any sense

Thats true… for bots. Not for RMT

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That really doesnt make sense. The only data points you’re eliminating in your example are data points CREATED BY THE TOKEN… Youre not eliminating data points… youre adding 10k data points which you can then ignore… but your net total is still the same…

If anything this made it more complicated because even ignoring them you still have to collect and flag that data, which again you now have more of