Account bans for gold buying

Blizz doesn’t want the competition. :rofl:

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Depends how certain they are of building those data points. Maybe they think they can pretty safely ban the rest.

Not in 2023. Way too much gold being legitimately traded with Gdkps going constantly. They could set the flag at 10k and theyd still have hundreds of thousands of transactions a week to check, most of which are legit.

Way easier to start with known exploiters and just keep killing their network

The more bans the better.

@Blizzard, just look up who has gained more than 10/20/30k gold in a span of 72 hours, line up IP addresses from seller/receiver.

One big AF spreadsheet.
And mass ban thousands of real players. Make an example out of them. Clearly, the efforts to ban bots is not successful. Start banning players.

Make it a project. Inject yourself as players into GDKP - add yourself gold and go in as buyers. Discover discords. Ban all GDKP hosts. Look at this. This is madness.



botting n gold buying r big problems in da game right now funneled through gdkp.

take a look at dis guild asking for da gold cap to be raised.
Gold cap too low . plus da same guild asking for nerfs Nerf Ulduar .

a guild officer dat also sells gold on a discord while also running a gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discords.

imgur. com/a/YdnNCOj

haha. here is a photo of a guilds guild master telling buyers in da gold selling discord how to get priority spots in da gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. green is gdkp leader.

imgur. com/a/yboW7Pw

screenshot of dat same guilds gdkp discord promoting da same gold selling discord. haha. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. yellow is leader.

imgur. com/a/GyQcgZf

dis one gold farming operation had 45,000,000 gold sold in tbc classic with da price of 12 usd dollars per 1000 gold. imagine how much has been sold in wotlk.

540,000 usd real life money earned through one gdkp selling gold to people. no one can say dis does not ruin da spirit of classic n promote pay to win culture. too much gold in da game from bots.

think about all da other gold farming operations on da classic servers. dis is just one example.

dis is a lot of real life money being earned.

haha. so funny.

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What about the boost money? Why didn’t they use that to control the problem? They will not reinvest a cent they make from the token back into classic, just like they didn’t do with the boosts. They are only banning because now it cuts into their token sales. People supporting them for starting to ban are morons, after they ignored the game since 2019 release. If they can do it now, why couldn’t they do it before? “It’s just a banwave”, seems convenient this banwave is much bigger than any of the previous and it’s only happened since they dropped the token


You’re way overthinking it, plus that’s just gonna generate a crippling number of false positives.

It’s real simple. Start with your known offenders, your bots and sellers. And the hubs should be pretty easy to spot too. Even if the big sellers are spreading their gold out over hundreds of accounts to get around gold-cap, I highly doubt they’re using hundreds of separate bnet accounts, or CC’s. So flag people with an inordinately large number of accounts, and that should be a small enough number to investigate effectively. And using those hubs/confirmed accounts you uncover big chunks of the network. Who are they sending large amounts of gold to/who are those people sending gold to etc etc. Start taking chunks out of the network and the whole thing collapses. It’s literally what they did to IGE 15 years ago. They brought down the entire company in a short span by simply aggressively going after the seller accounts. They don’t need to reinvent the wheel… just do what already worked.

The fact that they choose not to is telling…


Soooo basically they could have been doing this the whole time so that buying = banned so that botters are not so common…

Supply and demand.


IGE and its suppliers suffered a “huge loss” after the crackdown, according to a notice that was posted on IGE’s website in China and captured by the Web archive Wayback Machine. Many of the shuttered accounts had accumulated vast virtual stockpiles that vanished when the accounts were closed.

By January 2007, IGE’s virtual-currency business was in free fall, losing more than $500,000 a month, according to [a lawsuit filed later by co-founder Alan Debonneville in a dispute over compensation.

The turmoil convinced IGE to abandon its core business.

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Did you really just copy/paste all that? Yikes…]

Holy cow… I just checked your post history. You’ve literally just copy/pasted the same thing more or less 200 times. Except what’s insane is you’re not even copy/pasting exactly It’s like 95% the same thing over and over and over, but somtimes with small details changed. Is this some kinda AI thing? Seriously… I am confusion

No it makes perfect sense. Now they have a financial incentive to shutdown gold sellers and buyers so they can make it a priority.

I said it doesnt make any sense that

It doesn’t make them any easier to spot or ban. They just now have an incentive to do so because they’re eliminating the competition. Competition that is massively undercutting them atm

Yeah and i’m saying it’s easier to detect gold buyers when you are told by your manager that your time should be prioritized on finding and banning 3rd party buyers. The actual data is probably the same but you are able to focus on a single thing instead of working on multiple tasks.

It’s not “easier.” It is now a higher priority. It takes the exact same amount of effort and time as it always has.

You can’t possibly believe that Blizzard is really tasking people solely with going after gold-selling… It’s not that it’s now ALL they’re doing. It’s just now something they’re doing AT ALL, in addition to what they were doing before…

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I guess for me being able to focus more on a single task makes it easier, you don’t get distracted thinking about other things.

No but I do think they probably have a better defined schedule for when it should be worked on now that it affects their bottom line.

Yeah, this is my issue with it. Why were they not doing this before the token? I don’t know why I’m surprised at blizzard and the classic teams lack of care for it’s game and it’s customers.


Bravo Blizzard. Thank you for finally punishing the RMTers.

Kinda disgusting to be honest… Not that this harms me in any way but its laughable that they did not just crack down on the RMT stuff long ago before it was a problem.

I suspec this was the end goal the whole time, turn a blind eye to the gold selling / buying so that it becomes a problem they can “Solve” while in reality its just a way to get WoW token in so they can further ruin the game.


Yeah bro, it’s disgusting. I normally just cop it because I expect nothing less from blizzard. But this is such malicious behaviour, purposefully allowing cheating so they could cash in on it then once they cash in decide to disallow the cheating. Unsubbed and not coming back. Blizz is a joke.