I’ve been playing SoD since phase 1, last month I got banned for bug abusing for 6 months, although I didn’t abuse any bugs.
The only things I did on SoD were raid log and mostly PvP. (I genuinely think i got mass reported by premades on AV/AB, as I was grinding AB doing the rank 13 grind leading up to my ban)
I sent a bunch of tickets trying to get to know why I got banned and all I got a bunch of automated replies stating that I “violated the terms of service”, without any ticket specifically stating why i was banned.
The only one time a GM replied, he said I would get unbanned on 12/14/2024. Until now, I have waited, (better than 6 months honestly lol) and as of today (15/12/2024) I still don’t have my account unbanned.
If there is anyone left at Blizzard, can you please look into my ticket: US102049103
Either a mistake, or it ends at a specific time that hasn’t been reached yet, OR (something we see from time to time), the suspension is up but the account didn’t catch up (logging out/back in will usually refresh that).
But yeah, when it comes to cheating/exploiting of any kind, they are not going to go into any details about what caused the ban or what they detected. There are too many bad people out there that would take advantage of that information and would love to get their hands on it.
Each appeal has a separate set of eyes go over the data to see if a mistake was made. Though rare, we have seen mistakes and false positives that get suspensions and bans overturned.
I don’t know I don’t work for Blizzard. If you’re passed the time it says, try logging out of battle.net and logging back in. I have seen it get stuck where relogging fixes it. Otherwise, will have to wait for Vrak or Orlyia to look at it.
This explains it.
I just wanted to know what caused the ban, since I didnt do anything wrong. just raidlogged and PvP. Could you see if there was a mistake or something like that? I never got banned or suspended for any reason before that.
There is no such thing as a mass report triggering an auto-ban.
It doesn’t matter if you are “mass reported”. It only takes 1 report for a GM to investigate. You can be reported 1 time or 100 times. If you did nothing wrong nothing would happen. A real human Blizzard Employee investigates each report and goes by the data in their logs at the time of the report.
They are not automated replies. As stated above, each report is investigated by a GM. They reply using a template (a type of form letter) that best fits what they are replying to. They do this to improve speed, accuracy, and consistency in messaging. Can you imagine how long the ticket queue would be and the errors that could possibly be made if they had to hand type personal replies to each and every ticket?