Account banned for 6 months


So, my other account (Khalma51#1242) was banned for 6 months for botting/cheating. I appealed and was told my ticket ending in “4413” was escalated to the internal team.

I will state that I’ve NEVER used any form of botting/hacking program for WoW or any online game. I have used some trainers for single-player games, but I can’t see how you would detect such things.

The only program I downloaded in the last few days was the WoWhead quest tracker. It does scan your account to check for completed quests, but it didn’t work for me. Maybe that was the cause?

I can’t fathom how or why I received this ban. I’ve been a customer for more than twenty years and have never been warned or banned for this reason. I received a short RMT ban in the 2019 Classic or Classic TBC (I can’t recall the date), but that is the only offense I can think of.

Now to what I can think of being the cause, since Sunday and honestly consistently, I’ve put in some long hours into WoW SoD; during said play sessions, I do afk for periods to work or check things online.

As of 1/14 - 1/15, I’ve had a long play session. I raided and did some questing and leveling skinning. I ran a Prince Thunderan raid during that period. After the raid, I asked someone if they were willing to sell a tier item they won for 250g, and they agreed. I guess this action could have flagged something.

The only other reason I could think of is that I’ve been posting on the Classic Hunter Lodge Discord asking how to improve my WCL parses for Twin Emps, and I posted some macros I use for Hunter. Someone could either have trolled me with mass reporting or for whatever reason.

You’ll notice that both my accounts have similar emails. I’ve had both for many years, with this one being 20+ years old and the other since WoW Classic.

Sorry for the long read, but I like being detailed.

I’m also the GB for my guild on Crusader Strike, and we have a considerable amount of resources, so this is giving me some anxiety as I don’t want to be a significant reason for my guild’s strife.

Nothing anybody can do on the forums. Have to wait until a decision is rendered on your appeal.


All you can do is wait on the escalated appeal.

How long you’ve had an account for doesn’t matter either.

Would be very unlikely what you were immediately doing wasn’t what was flagged. It takes time to investigate before action is given out.

This forum is not for pleading your case nor will it sway any decision. Good luck!


As was said, the forums isn’t a place for what you think cause it, nothing you say will be taken into account, nor the blues here are part of the appeal team. The appeal been sent up the chain, if they feel like something was action wrong, they’d be able to remove the account action.

You just have to wait. And no, we - nor the blue posters here - know when they’d reply.


Why I do understand all your reply’s. I’ve posted here as I seen and read other topics of similar cases getting a blue to look into and respond with “some” information.

I’m not the most patient person and just trying to get any info I can.

Edit: Related to blue responses

I hope I’m allowed to link other topics here. Giving it a shot.

Blue responded and gave info on why they were banned.

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All they will say is that it’s been escalated, which you’re already aware of.

They’re not going to tell you what was detected, how etc - they’re purposely vague because it’s information the scammers and criminal elements want so they can avoid detection.


The only time they give some info is when you have a chat related account action. Beyond that, it’s tight lips as information related to how they seen such program is what bot programmers want to get around Blizzard’s systems.


I’m aware of that, but I honestly have no clue why I’m being investigated, I pray I’m given a somewhat detailed reason at some point.

Now that I’m thinking about it… Would they flag me or investigate if I have traded a guild member a relatively large amount of gold… like 2500g?

sigh I guess that could be the cause… it was a reimbursement for guild-related things.

Hopefully, they’ll talk to me and let me explain this…


That’s not what an appeal is for. There is nothing you can tell them, explain to them, justify, etc. that will change what’s in their logs.

Having said that…

You need to wait for this to be resolved. There’s no guarantee that escalation will overturn it, but seeing tickets escalated is usually a positive sign. Just be patient.


That’s good to hear

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This does look like it was escalated for final review.

That is totally in our hack teams wheelhouse. Neither we, nor the GM that sent this up have any say on their final determination - but they should let you know when it comes back.

Note that can sometimes take a little while.


Thank you for responding and looking into it. I appreciate it.

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