Accidently Deleted my NEW sparks

Hey there, i accidently deleted my new sparks instead of the old ones on my paladin Roküro-Illidan. is it possible to have them restored? i noticed those items are not available in the restoration tool.

It is possible, but not through Customer Support. Best to submit a ticket where a game master can assist you via here.

EDIT: Click on the link above, and click on item restoration, and there should be a process. If you can’t find what was deleted, then submit a ticket.


Ok, I was wrong.


(Sparks are crafting materials, since they’re literally used in crafting recipes and they go into the reagent bank.)

I don’t think GMs have any resources to restore items any better than the self-service.


Just adding this too, since another player was caught in the same position you seem to find yourself.



thanks, not the end of the world. ik there confirmation but i just thought i was deleting old ones.


May be good to make a suggestion – perhaps to General – that the sparks are more clearly a different variety than the old.

I find myself double-checking, and that’s not really a great experience.