I accidentally traded in for the wrong item and equipped it, but it’s for the wrong spec. Can I please trade it for the correct item, or have the transaction reversed so I can purchase the right one? The item I purchased doesn’t offer me a secondary stat and I used up my Trophy of Strife. I wanted to purchase the Drakebreaker’s Impaler, and I had the correct item to upgrade plus the Trophy of Strife x14. I simply want to reverse the transaction or negate it to get back my 14 Trophy of Strife so that I can purchase the Drakebreaker’s Impaler instead of Drakebreaker’s Broadsword. Thanks, I had a ticket set as resolved and have had another one open for 3 days but have not gotten a reply in either.
Sorry, originally posted on the wrong character.
If the item still has a refund timer, then you can certainly return it and purchase a new one.
If there is no refund timer, then no. Customer Service cannot swap rewards outside of the refund timer.
Generally speaking if you do something that cancels out the two hour return policy Blizzard does not assist. Making decisions is something we are supposed to be careful about. The game gives warnings before equipping letting you know that if you do, it is non-refundable.
To prevent mistakes, whenever an action removes the refund timer, the game will pop-up a confirmation message that you need to acknowledge and accept. For example, when you equip, enchant, upgrade, or transmog the item.
The key part from that article though
Customer Support does not refund items.
Very true. I was focused on the ‘I equipped it’ part of the OP. Just wanted to make clear that equipping an item removes its refund timer.
I am very sorry, Graubar, but in most cases when an item purchased for alternate currency has a refund timer, we are unable to intervene.