Access_Violation the memory could not be read (Update)

I’ve seen multiple threads opened on this topic. No fix has helped me yet. I can play for around 1-10 minutes before I crash. 4080 gpu i9-14900kf cpu. I’d open a ticket but the chat GPT GM will probably not fix it either.

UPDATE: I have fixed the issue myself. Download the intel extreme tuning application, this will allow you to easily limit your core ratios. I set my performance cores to 52 and efficient cores to 43. This has eliminated my access violation issue. Hope this helps everyone else.

Do you understand the issue with the 13xxx and 14xxx cpu’s?

To an extent. I’ve updated my BIOS which actually fixed my problem with Black Myth Wukong but no changes in WOW

That is a good start.
Now need to go into the BIOS and remove all over clocking. Setting to default now and restarting computer. Just make sure default does not turn on the over clocking again.
If that extends your play, but still happens…

The speed step…might need adjusted as well. Try one less. If 55 then try 54… You might need to go 2 or 3 lower.

I’ve been crashing every ten mins too. 13600k with very small overclock 5300 all core. Was good in dragon flight. Bios has been updated a day ago. I’m going to try going back to stock and see what happens but won’t have a chance to do that until tomorrow.

Ive updated my bios to the fix for this issue and even have a brand new unaffected 14900ks but its happening to me as well.

Blue just posted…good luck.

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Yeah all due respect most of us did this the day these bios updates came out almost two months ago. Its so tragic that this is the only real response so far. Mythic is about to come out and their official response on this hot issue is so basic.

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Doesn’t seem like they’re aware that this is happening to people without these processors too, plenty of amd folks are dealing with the same thing. facepalm


yeah i use AMD and have this issue as well. mainly started after some patch after expac launched.


The latest blue post is pretty tone deaf and not terribly helpful. If people were having instability issues as a result of their CPUs, they’d have issues in multiple games or experiencing outright BSODs. At this time the only game I’m having any problems with whatsoever is WoW. Unless there’s some secret Intel defect that only impacts WoW and no other software on the planet, I’m not super convinced the problem is on my end.

If it’s impacting people with AMD chips too that’s even more damning. It’s weird too because I was largely able to play just fine until the reset - after that it’s basically been impossible to go longer than three to four minutes without a crash.


I knew they were just going to boot this to Intel.

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ZERO issues with any other games…ZERO…NONE. The only one where I’m crashing over and over cause of this stupid Access_Violation is WoW.

The things is, was have no issues until an automatic update…from WoW…was downloaded last Friday. Ever since then it’s been crash after crash.


And we’re telling you THAT IS NOT THE ISSUE and that tech blog tells us nothing, people in here already applied that BIOS update. Also explain why it’s affecting AMD CPUs?

I’ve had the same CPU for 6 months, WoW has never had an issue until a few weeks ago, and not a single other game / application / nothing has an issue. Something changed in WoW a few weeks ago that’s causing this.


Wasn’t asking you specifically. AMD users aren’t the only people posting in this thread. Also, read the article more closely. It states:

Intel will be publishing another update by the end of September.

I hear this every time a new problem happens. You haven’t tested every single game on the planet with your setup, and Blizzard can’t test every single combination of hardware. Practice patience. It’s not happening to “everyone” so that makes it more difficult to troubleshoot.

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Really, I have 6 months of data on 2 machines. They have played WoW that entire time with zero issues. Two weeks ago, they started crashing. No other game crashes, and trust me, they’re way more modern than WoW and pushing my hardware way harder than WoW. I’ve also ran stress tests against the systems overnight to ensure there is zero issues with the system. Nothing else is crashing, and up until two weeks ago, neither was wow. So when given tons of variables, and only one of them changed, who do you blame? I sure as heck don’t blame my hardware.

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For what I gathered, it’s happening to a majority of people with high end cpus. Also, like Zreicia, I was having no issues with WoW up until recently. In my case, WoW downloaded an update last Friday “8/30”. Ever since then it’s been crash central. If the cpu was at fault, wouldn’t I also be having these issues with other games?

Black Myth: Wukong - No crashes
Dying Light 2 - No crashes
Baldur’s Gate 3 - No crashes
Doom Eternal - No crashes
Diablo 4 - No crashes
WoW - No crashes up until auto update on 8/30

Still think its a cpu issue?

Most likely BIOS issue, yes. AMD is always slow on these things. They’re still figuring out a problem with RX 7900 XTs (lots of results about this card in their forum and this one).

That said, the original poster of this thread is using an i9-14900KF, and my reply (which quoted their CPU) was for them and other Intel users.

I have the same CPU. It’s the only reason why I’m replying and didn’t start a new post of my own.

What I’m having trouble understanding is if it’s a cpu issue, then why wasn’t I having this issue until last week? Only thing that changed was the update that WoW pushed out last Friday. No issues before then.

Not trying to be a pain, just want to get back to playing the game I loveed since open beta vanilla. “Yes, I’m old”.

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