Access_Violation the memory could not be read (Update)

Most of the posts I’ve seen about this started at the time of the expansion launch. If yours only popped up since Friday, then I’d probably recommend scouring the MSInfo Error Reporting (after you export it), the DxDiag, Windows Event Viewer, etc. Those are the places errors will land and might give clues about whatever the conflict is.

I can’t recreate this issue, and I don’t know anyone else experiencing it, so I’m limited to what people share here for troubleshooting.

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Not sure if this will help, but here’s my dxdiag:

Very last error is for wow.exe, RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64.

Did a search and the suggestion was to run windows memory diagnostic…which I did. It found no issues with my memory.

RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 is the error that happens when Windows feels you’re running out of available memory and wants to identify things that use a lot of memory or may leak memory. Not really something to worry about.

The errors section says you are missing some Windows updates and, there was some problem with VMWare.

Did you perform the BIOS update and try the Intel Tuning Utility to turn down voltages?

I am having the crashing and freezing issues as well. Was hoping the patch would fix but it hasn’t. I removed and reinstalled my graphics driver and made sure bios was updated yesterday. Im looking at the Intel Tuning thing now, how much should I turn down the voltage?

Yes, my bios is updated wit the latest version released on 8/22. I have not lowered the voltage on my cpu yet…was hoping the solution was something other than that…considering I was having no issues until last Friday.

Anyway, thank you for the assistance.

Try turning off the optional GPU features in settings and “advanced work submit” in compatibility. If that doesn’t help, there’s some advice on Reddit about the CPUs:

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I have had those turned off for probably 2 days? My WoW randomly did a 400Mb update and aside from some smal stuttering that seems to be very random, it SEEMS to be working. Gonna test it more. Hoping that maybe I finially flushed a corrupt file out or something. Elvui is actually working atm now too. Hopefully the game knew I asked Elocin for help and got scared…

Yea, downloaded another update for WoW and it appears that the Access_Violation crashes have ceased. Played for about an hour with no issues.

Edit: No issues for me anyway. Hope you all have similar success!


may RNGesus continue to bless you


Same to you my friend!

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Latest update also appears to have solved things for me. I even turned optional GPU features and advanced work submit back on and haven’t experienced a crash yet. Fingers crossed. \o/


Ok, so…what you and blue are telling us is…Your game was running fine. Blizz dropped an update and now your game wont start. When you try to run it from the folder you get a memory error.

So, we think this is your BiOS? Because that way we can avoid the obvious–that Blizz messed up bad and hasn’t figured out why their launch isn’t working for some people.

Here is my story with this. When the prepatch was launched I started to notice random ACCESS_VIOLATION crashes. I didn’t think anything of them as I could just load back in and continue. But as the days went on these crashes started to happen more and more very quickly and exponentially to the point where it would crash upon loading from the character selection screen. I went through much testing and diagnostics from every “fix” I found on the forums. Some had minimal effect if any at all. I put a ticket in and received a randomly generated canned text response from blizzard which basically said it wasn’t them and to contract a repair technician.

Begrudgingly I did reach out to the company that I got my prebuilt from and started a ticket. We went through the general tests and fixes that I had done myself (reinstalling windows, and Blizzard, and making sure bios / drivers were updated. After no success they sent me a program that downloaded all of the computer Logs and took a couple days to review it.

After reviewing the files they got back with me saying they will RMA the CPU as they believed something was wrong. They sent a technician to replace the CPU (14900KF) and after the replacement I loaded WoW right away and immediately I was able to access the game for the first time in over a month. I said the true test will be after being in game for a while. It’s now been 2 days with no crashes. Which is an amazing feeling however I fear this may be the issues for some others who were experiencing the same thing I was.

Now I don’t believe EVERYONES situation is the same as mine and might be some other hardware / software / setting, but this was my story and solution to the system.

For those wondering I was not overclocking the CPU or using setting that would have pushed the CPU to the point of failure prior to this event happening. It just happened. Also the crashes were being experienced even after patch 11.0.5. Further, this even started spilling over in to Diablo 4 and would crash on start up / after playing.

Hope this information helps someone and I truly hope that this case isn’t the same for you.

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Thank you for reporting this. I’m glad they were able to see the troubleshooting process through to the end. I hope others will see this and understand that when volunteers mention it might be the CPU, it’s because we want you to save time troubleshooting. :slight_smile:


I’m getting this error and I don’t have 13th or 14th gen cpu. I’ve tried all the “solutions” that I could find and nothing works.

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I did what you did. So far no access violations. Thank you for the post. Hopefully solves my issue too. Your awesome!

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I’m still getting these errors even though I’ve tried everything that anyone has suggested.

Bumping this cause the Access_Voilation crashes are back after an update 2 days ago.

No, it’s not my CPU, no it’s not my GPU. It was working fine up until this update.

Edit: After an automatic update to WoW that is.

Turn off auto update…
Close out the popup add on and…
Use the button for the download manager.