"Accessibility" vs "I don't want to learn"

why do i care about other games that ain’t wow. this ain’t them. why are you guys such haters just cause people want normal flying? i could care less about other games i ain’t playing them btw i did quit gw2 cause the lame flying. and no one really has a clue what there talking about if you ain’t got issues with the flying but yes everyone is lying. keep making fun of people who have problems with it i’m proud of you guys. and i don’t care if it is faster or whatever all they gotta do is add normal flying problem solved posts go away. but some of you just can’t seem to understand you just go in posts saying i love dragonriding lol. no one cares when there actually having issues duh.
btw them other games are so dead maybe just maybe wow has complaints cause there more people playing the game hmmm.

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I find it hard to believe anyone can’t learn to dragon ride if they can move a mouse.

Hold down both buttons on mouse, move it forward side to side backb etc… Once in a while hit the 1 button with the other hand before you slow down too much.

That’s easy fixed then. It’s you that controls how fast your going. You can still fly long distances without getting above regular flying speed. It’s a matter of getting into the game and trying things , refining your techniques

You can do it with 1 hand already. Got gold on all the normal courses and can do advanced now and all I used was a mouse. The only hard thing is sometimes you cant tell where you need to go, but then you learn the course and fly through it.

I’m starting to think that a lot of ppl who just want sky swimming are claiming disability/inaccessibility bc they think it’s the best chance at getting blizz to cave and releasing boring flight early.

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Seriously sit down and be quiet.
I am one that also doesn’t care for dragon riding and I have the Isles Racer title already… it has nothing to do with not wanting to learn.

You are more than capable of enjoying this flying system even if others don’t.


We have people who are affected by the Dragonflying animations who get sick playing.
We enabled the two seater version and just bring them around with us.

This is the most accessible this kind of feature has been in a while, and credit is due where credit is due. It’s an MMORPG, and part of that is playing with others, so we’ll make sure those we play with get the help they need.

But people aren’t going to help people who don’t help themselves, and they certainly aren’t going to be willing to help people who are throwing a fit over a video game.

Any time they start modernizing or changing a game that has grown stagnant, there is a minority population who also throws a fit about it. Absolutely no changes are good, ever, unless it’s something that plops things right into their hands instantly without thought.

It’s this.
Over half my main roster for stuff this expansion is disabled. The people this actually gives vertigo, or the ones with arthritis? Saw the accessibility features and they’re alongside us still, no complaints.

It’s honestly exhausting hearing people toss around ableism so casually because it makes actual accessibility concerns in this game a joke.


the post above is good example of someone talking out there butt and has no proof just making stuff up this is how i feel cause i believe everyone is lying lol. you guys are the problem when someone comes here being serious with issues they are having nah there just lying get outta here,

Yup, because everyone on the internet is totally honest and would never jump on a bandwagon to get something they want.


So you’re saying that forcing players with RL limitations that are no fault of their own to rely on the willingness of others to assist them is preferable to simply allowing everyone to choose the option that is best for them? You’re a real peach.

This really sounds cool, it would also bring something to the game that was advertised but never delivered way back in (I think) WotLK
Aerial combat

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Not much to learn. Gravity and momentum is taught to you at a pretty young age in most parts of the world.

Do you get sick on taxis? They go much faster than regular flight.

I wish more people thought like us, OP.

Sadly, these forums are largely populated by inept trolls.

Both my parents are in their mid to late 60s, have played wow since vanilla and cant get dragon riding. Some people in my community cant get it.

It’s not that they don’t try or don’t want to learn. They see my able to fly for hours without landing and try even harder. Some people can’t get it.

Blizzard hates legacy flying. But without it in the game, I’ll bet on about a quarter to a third of the player base will have troubles. I’m sure they will get run off too before blizzard decides to learn another lession. And sad part is some of those they lose will be 18 year customers who would stay another 18+ if they could or more.

Wow, dude. I’ve been playing this game since 2008, and I’m not about to stop now. Requesting some improvements to the accessibility options isn’t “entitlement”. You kind of need to get over this misplaced anger you have toward something that doesn’t affect you in any way.