Access Violation "Memory could not be written"

My game has been crashing ever since the update came out. Tried updating my graphics card, repaired files,reinstalled the game, disabled addons also disabled optional gpu features and advanced work submit and still crashes. Any recommendations? Also noticed that everytime i hit esc to the cut screen it crashes with that error

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Same thing. No problems whatsoever until this patch launched. Now it’s just ACCESS_VIOLATION crashes every 5-10 minutes.

Literally unplayable… Really blizz?

I’ve also done everything. Updated BIOS, updated graphics card. Reinstalled WoW. Reformatted PC. Taken PC in for repairs, they say everything’s working fine just to get more crashes.

I’ve also disabled optional GPU features, advanced work submit, Async resource creation, multithreaded rendering, frame overlap etc…

Any help here would be greatly appreciated, or a blue post? Blizz made a post about access violations on 13th and 14th gen intel? processors/chips? But I don’t have that and I’m still getting these crashes.


Just to clarify: You took it to a repair shop, they saw that software was crashing on it, and said everything was fine?

When you don’t post any technical data, expect not to get any help.

Start by posting a dxdiag report.

Then the rest of us can see what we’re working with.

No, they ran all tests possible and everything was fine,

Come back and play WoW for a few minutes and start crashing xd

This is a widespread issue with many reports from thousands of players over many months.

Don’t think another dxdiag is going to help? But ok champ. Whatever you say o7

Clown fiesta blizz nice break on your game xD

Why are they not opening WoW to trigger the issue while troubleshooting your PC? Sounds like a scam.

Except that your PC is not another users PC. Every dxdiag is different.

But if you don’t want to provide info for people to maybe help, that on you.

Can you post a dxdiag. You can post it on paste bin and share the link. Two post the entire errors
Press and hold the Windows key
Press the R key to open the Run window
Type dxdiag in the pop-up window
Press Enter
Click Save all information
Click Save
The file should be saved to your desktop as dxdiag.txt
Click Exit

Don’t know why the other guy is reluctant, but I’ve had memory issues solely with WoW that past two months or so myself, here’s the dxdiag if anyone can figure out why I blue screen after between 5-20 minutes, nothing else running. No other games give me issues.

Ditto. 0 addons nothing I’m down to. I’ve reinstalled etc. Yesterday I raid on cata 10 hrs log on retail crash haha. JOKE BLIZZ XD

They opened WoW. Downloaded after reformat. Ran it with no crashes. Then I come home and I start playing and it crashes. Yes. Not a scam. there you go. been posting diagnostic since i was 10 never got any help see if the times have changed. errors vary between ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION / ACCESS VIOLATION

ACCESS_VIOLATION - The Instruction at “0x00007ff70a237541” referenced memory at 0xfffffffffffffff" The Memory could not be read

Access_VIOLATION - The Instruction at “0x00007ff7a4ba1c29” referenced memory at “0x00007ff7a4ba1c29” could not be executed. This was an error yesterday before I did a full UI wipe

Which version of WoW - Retail, Classic, Cata classic, Seasons of Discovery?

Your CPU is well below min specs for retail WoW - i7-4570k
Your BIOS is a few versions back, but at this point, if it hasn’t been an issue in the ~5 years since the last update, I wouldn’t worry about it.

Were you having this issue before the 527.16 nVidia drivers?
Those are roughly the same time period as you are reporting issues and they seem to be showing issues as evidenced by the LiveKernel 144 errors.

I’d start with a clean install of the nVidia drivers after using DDU. Perhaps rolling back to a prior version would be worth it.

I just updated my BIOS the other day, also when I took my PC in a few days they said the BIOS was updated.

Just got another crash.


I was always keeping my Nvidia drivers up to date but not with the GeForce controller or whatever. The program used to update the drivers. I was keeping it up manually. I know that those drivers can cause issues, but that wasn’t what was causing the issues when this all arose.

I can’t stress this to you guys enough. The PATCH is when I started getting all of these issues. Every since the patch on Tuesday (last Tuesday now, 6 days in prison) this has been an issue with the mega crashes.

It was crashing every 5-10 minutes. Not doing that now after complete reformat and everything but what gives?

I played cata yesterday for 10 hours with no crashes. Did 6hr DS GDKP with a heroic FL afterwards, no issues at all. I run weakauras on there for everything. Addons. Elvui etc.

These are all things that arose since the PATCH ON RETAIL. I think first post said “Same thing, no problems whatsoever untilt his patch launched”. I would get blue screens, but not often. WoW would crash but not often.

I’m at the point where I need to go buy a new PC over this. But imagine I buy a new PC just to crash? This issue is widespread affecting thousands of players. Look at the previous posts. Blizz has to wake up. Pservers did it better, im cringing.

What a clever filename :roll_eyes:

You have bluescreen errors, likely related to faulty drivers or hardware.