Access Violation Error when using trinket

When clicking on trinket Core of Ar’kelos on my warrior alt I got a WoW error, everytime. Already tried to delete WTF and Interface folder but got the same issue.

edit: OK, can’t unequip it either. Other trinket = same issue

edit 2: also crashing when mouseover some items in inventory like Wands and a chest (not sure what it is…)

Reboot, run a repair on the game, try again

Hello Elocin,

I tried everything that is possible for me and what makes sense:

  • WoW Repair

  • complete UI reset

  • updated drivers for chipset and gpu

  • updates firmware

  • router reset

  • tested it on another computer with a clean WoW installment, exact same error

  • No issues on other characters so far, had the last WoW Error 5 month ago according to my ErrorLogs folder

Created a ticket and they basically referred me to the forums…

edit: Oh totally forgot: Only happens when in Arms Spec. While Fury or Protection, no issue (so far)

This is pretty common - it seems like there are a ton of items that cause the crash. Clearing interface files and repairing doesn’t resolve it and today’s update didn’t resolve it.

It would be helpful if they would at least acknowledge that items are crashing the UI on the known issues list.

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Not sure which forum they mentioned, but at this point, you want to report it in Bug Report

You’re right. I should post there too. Will do so later.
Btw: They just told me to visit the forums or to contact an IT-expert…

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Yeah, Blizzard changed their technical troubleshooting methods a bit ago. They have some general advice but they don’t serve as hardware technicians anymore.

I’ve collected all threads regarding this issue and created a bug report here:

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