Academic acquaintances bug

Also suffering this issue.

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Same exact thing happened to me. Tried to follow standard procedure by abandoning and restarting, but now I can’t pick the quest up again at all.

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Same here :frowning:

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…And, same here.

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Same thing for me, can see the ? on the mini map, but quest giver to turn in to.

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Commenting to boost post. Because I am also encountering this problem as well :frowning:

I’m having the same problem

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Same issue replying to hopefully get it solved sooner :slight_smile:

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I also discover another issue with the quest ‘Academic Acquaintances’ and ‘Broken Traditions, Broken Bodies’; it turns out that if you haven’t done the ‘Broken Traditions, Broken Bodies’ chain, then you can abandon ‘Broken Traditions, Broken Bodies’ to be able to finish ‘Academic Acquaintances.’

However, if you finish the ‘Broken Traditions, Broken Bodies’ chain, then ‘Academic Acquaintances’ can’t be done. Also, the NPC doesn’t offer it again if you abandon ‘Academic Acquaintances.’


Same issue

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+1 !! Surprised this wasn’t caught in Beta with the amount of us having this issue now haha

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This quest is still bugged as of today. Hopefully they fix it and soon. The npc is not there and I check daily. All you see is ? And no npc.

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Checked again today, and I am still unable to turn in this quest. Hopefully it can get fixed with reset…

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This is STILL Bugged after the reset… please check this out blizzard!


Still bugged.

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Yeeee, still bugged

Still bugged pls fix

Abandon the quest [Broken Traditions, Broken Bodies] and the guy will show up again.


This worked. You’re a legend.

That doesn’t help if you had both quests completed and hand that one in first, like I did before I knew this was bugged. Garz runs off as soon as you hand this in and never comes back.