Academic acquaintances bug

Unable to turn in the quest ‘academic acquaintances’ - Turning in a prior quest to the quest giver de-spawns the quest giver with no opportunity to turn in the acquaintances quest.


+1 - I’ve followed up and finished all other quests for the area and it’s still not possible to turn it in


Just ran into this issue as well.

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Same here. The quest is complete and see the “?” on the mini map but can’t turn it in anywhere.


I have the same issue.


Also having this issue, cannot hand it in, abandoning did not fix it, in fact it made the quest giver no longer have a quest.


Same for me, question mark is on the map, but no body is there to let me turn it in.


Also having this issue currently. Tried to log out and back in as well, as this sometimes spawns the turn in. Nada.

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Currently same issue here as well. Quest accepter just runs off and disappears before being able to turn it in.

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Same here. Hope they fix this relatively soon.

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I have the same problem. I have flown all around the zone and have completed every quest I have come across and this is my last one here, that I can find. I have probably flown around the zone 3 or 4 times trying to find other quest with no luck.


I’m having the same issue. Makes me sad because I was trying to get all the achievements in each zone. Guess I’ll have to move on and come back later. (I hope! :/)

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Also having this issue. No one to turn it into, no matter how many times I leave and come back, log out, etc.

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I am having this issue as well

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Same issue!

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Same issue

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Mmhmm Same issue here.

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Same here yup

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same here, i did the save Radzna quest first and now Garz is back in Camp Nowhere with Radzna, but i cannot turn in the quest to Garz

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…OCD is going bonkers