This is gonna be a bit much but i think a discussion needs to happen with us the players and the gms /customer support team and the lack of empathy at all when it comes to us the players trying to get information on why we get hit wit suspensions with no warning and honestly blizzard teams yall have done a terrible job at approaching us the players when we ask for information or open tickets that get shrugged off so im asking lets have a talk here it an open thread
but as a person of color i can say i have been subject to alot of hateful players that like to show up in my dms after bgs or dungs being super hateful and racist and i know most people will say dont engage but when its a regular thing it gets old and when we do lash out its not the people who are openly being racist and even being reported for being racist thats punished its the people like myself who tell these toxic players to bug off although may not be in a friendly manner but what do those toxic people expect when they come out and be rude to someone for simply just trying to play and enjoy the game and then all of a sudden boom the ones on defense are the ones who get in trouble lets make this make sense
REport and move on you wont get a discussion with blizzard on this on any forums and it will get shut down rather fast trust me. Abusive language will catch up to them sooner or later as long as its reported we get people claiming innocence all the time here only to be told yeah ur not so innocent.
Trolls want u to respond to there language thats why they do it to get a rise outa you and hope u say something that will get you into trouble.
When dealing with trolls dont engage reporting is far more effective and satisfying knowing u did the right thing and they will be punished not you
There’s an age-old adage that stands tall above all the rest in cases like these: two wrongs don’t make a right.
Simply put, yes:
This is unfortunately your best course of action. It takes a lot of effort to be the bigger person, there’s no argument against that. But the goal is to not give them ammunition to use against you in these situations.
Not here it doesn’t. There are No GM’s here , and the CSF Agents are NOT Liaisons to the Devs. This forum is an information desk, you want a “discussion”, you need to take it to General.
Two wrongs do not make a right. A very old, but very true saying. You will never find out what happens to another account. Report them, put them on Ignore.
Also, it is not wise to give personal information online. Your name, location, age, gender, race, or even sometimes nationality are not relevant to video games. Keep that to yourself and just rock on being whatever in-game char you have chosen to play.
NEVER let people bait you into a response. Just report them and let Blizzard sort it out.
They are correct though. The CS forum is an Information Desk. It exists to help people navigate the ticket system, explain policies, explain account services, etc. It is not meant to be a place to offer suggestions to change games or policies. The folks here don’t pass on suggestions.
However, this may be the perfect place to get more information on the current policy - and they are happy to tell you what you did wrong if you ask.
You have gotten some great advice to report and ignore. Those tools are fantastic. Then you let Blizzard penalize the bad actors.
i typically dont repsond to much latley i cant say i havent as ive been provoked into doing so
i only wanted to gauge what others thought mostly i do appreciate the response tho
Please try and understand this, this is more of a player help forum. We all here try and help in pointing out where to go for such topics, what Blizzard’s policies are, or to help navigate in helping where to submit tickets.
Discussions aren’t suited for Customer Support forums.
You made a decision to type out a reply, then hit enter. You have total control over that. You also control what you see in-game. Right click report gets infractions to the right people AND it ignores that person for the rest of your login session. Putting them on your Ignore list means you never hear from them again and won’t be grouped with them either.
Never ever let others bait you into breaking the rules as well.
We can’t control others, only ourselves. Let Blizzard handle the ones who break the rules.
It is really better off here despite the intent. There is nothing good that would come of having a racism and account penalty discussion over on GD.
To address your post - no, someone else breaking rules does not give you a free pass to do so as well.
Report - then ignore the player is my best advice.
Now, as to this account action.
I’m seeing several reports here, from Dec 23rd through today.
In nearly every one I’m seeing copious use of f-bombs on numerous occassions.
Profanity has never been allowed in our games. Not explicitly as these were, not abbreviated, not misspelled nor masked.
I see you have two tickets open demanding to speak to someone. That is not what appeals are for, they are for a review of the evidence. I am fairly confident in telling you this this will be easily upheld. The evidence is abundant.