Abusive Chat?

What is going on with this spam report system, I have gotten so many reports for doing absolutely nothing in this game. Like really I will create a new character be leveling in elwynn and suddenly get a “Behavior Warning”. Today I woke up and got a 7 day “Abusive Chat” ban and this time it is because I copy pasted a hunter macro from Skill Capped website the macro kept spamming “Null” in BG chat because it wasn’t set up correctly. #showtooltip Aimed Shot
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Hawk,
/cast Aimed Shot
This being the macro. So I finally fixed it last night before I went to bed and woke up to a 7 day account suspension. Anyways I made a ticket and I am just going to assume it will be a bot responding to my ticket and it won’t get resolved, so I will just leave this forum post here. Blizzard really needs to re-evaluate their report system because it is not working!


Just a fine example of why an automated system is a failure and the people policing the people will never work.


Should have just botted herbs and fish in Twilight Highlands, your account would have been a lot safer.


You know what “Null” means in Orcish?


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You might have better luck posting your feedback here:

Good luck to you!

It is working perfectly fine in this case.

If you realize your macro is spamming the BG chat, not using the macro would be the sensible way to go, instead of preventing your teammates from having game deciding communication all evening until you go to bed.
Communication wins BGs more than DPS.

People want to read important messages about the fc or inc or whatever, not get distracted by useless spam.

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Players can’t suspend other players.


Where is your logic… Do you really think I was spamming a macro to purposely spam the chat? Is this how far you got in your rational to then proceeded to write three useless paragraphs about why it is bad to spam?


People take advantage of trade and LFG chat. They will use both to make their points. Best to just keep it brief on them and stay off… don’t be a target.

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I mean id report you just to report you… you rub people the wrong way …


What a total Karen… :rofl:

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Is this where we submit abusive chat? I have a lot to unload

There is no such thing as an automated system that suspends your account.


Likely no, I don’t think you did it intentionally, but it happened and counted as spamming. You can appeal I believe, but given your attitude I imagine you may have been pinged for something else.

Post in CS or submit an appeal. These are the only real options.

Why? Because blizzard pinky promised it does not work that way, do you need a list of things blizzard has lied about?

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Well do you have actual/factual evidence that shows differently? Don’t link some BS unwashed streamer’s video that shows this and forget to omit that he then stated well it was not a suspension but a squelch or any other untrustworthy person trying to lie to sell links/subs/etc.

I’ll wait (this ought to be good)…

Here is the logic.

So it happened multiple times.

You “finally” fixed it before you went to bed.
Not immediately upon noticing the problem, but “finally” before you went to bed.
What is “finally”? One or two games later? Ten games later?

Also this. You come off like a jerk, the flagging of your account from the spam possibly triggered a deeper look.


You don’t need Blizzard to tell you anything, it should be common sense. Players cannot ban or suspend other players. There’s a million different ways you can logically come to this conclusion and you shouldn’t need me or anyone else to help you arrive at that conclusion.

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Exactly. Blizzard using players for unpaid labor. Mob justice running rampant. It happens on the forums often as well. I’ll start reporting stuff when they start paying me.

It doesn’t.

Players can’t suspend other players off the forums either. The most we can do is cause a post to be hidden, which of course is not a suspension/ban.

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