Abuse of Toys and RP servers:

lol how can it be false?

go into the video settings and look.

knowing their specific problem doesn’t help with anything.

everyones monitor + graphics card is going to display things differently.

everyones eyes see things differently.

even if i knew the exact specs of their pc and monitor, and the specific quantity of ambient light in their room, it still wouldn’t help with knowing what they’d need to adjust to suit their specific needs.

you’ve passed the point of being outrageous here.

You being intentionally being vague when you say “There is multiple ingame-video options” makes your claims pretty much false here. You can’t expect people to magically know what you’re talking about when your being intentionally vague. That’s not being honest here.

And i just looked (and still looking) though the options that has to do with graphics (assuming that’s what you mean by video) now. I can’t find anything that even remotely is close to your vague answer because you’ve given nothing to work with and expect me to go find it.

Are you talking about the Accessibility tab? Because that’s the only guess i have after a few minutes of looking.

It does. It helps to know the specifics of the problem they have so we know how to go about solving that problem. Hence my suggestion.

So do you agree we should implement the suggestions i’ve made to disable the lights from the toy via a toggle on the graphic’s option that in no way affect other people other then the person who disabled it, or not? :man_shrugging:

Specs are irrelevant in this case.

Actually, even if you think it does, i mean that’s even more of a reason to have my suggestion be ingame, because if the multiple lights from that toy is causing the RP’er lag, then that’s a good option to use to flick off the lights to get more fps. And yes, some people do get actually sick from low fps.

I tried explaining to you over and over again the very simple to grasp and understand things in my comments. There is absolutely no reason to be intentionally obtuse with me at this point.


You don’t need to have the screen up, looking at it the whole time when you’re roleplaying in the glorified chatroom that is the Lion’s Pride inn in Goldshire, where people just stand in dead silence in one place and all of the RP takes place in whispers or in party chat.

Get Listener, tab in when you get an alert sound that you have a new whisper or party emote, read it, tab out, write your response in Notepad, tab in, paste.

There is almost no visual component to the RP in Goldshire.

sir, i’m not the one being obtuse.
…but for some unknown reason, you keep trying to push my buttons, so buckle up.

there’s almost 40 different options with sliders and toggles.
it’s an absolute impossibility for me to say “set a at x, b at y, and c at z”.

all the settings are quite literally under SYSTEM.

uh… no.
i’m talking about graphics options.
…it’s the very first option in user settings.

i also don’t know which number on their thermostat is too cold, which number on their speakers is “too loud”, what temperature soup would burn their mouth, or the most comfortable setting on their shower is.

While there are options for motion sickness and colour blindness there isn’t really options for players who get overload by certain colours. Since games are a very visual media I assume there isn’t a lot they can do on their end… I suppose if a colour was super awful the player could adjust their own monitor values to reduce said colour.

Games won’t try to intentionally hurt anyone, which is why they removed the artifact weapon effect, but I don’t think they can cater to folks that have severe problems with light and colour… I know accessibility is important but at the same time I don’t what sort of option they could add since games are by nature moving light and colour.

Fair enough, i’l stop asking if you don’t know what your talking about the multiple ingame options then.

i honestly don’t know how many more ways it’s possible to explain.

do you need screenshots with little pointy arrows to show you how to navigate the interface?

You literally just told me that you don’t know what multiple ingame options you’re talking about. I think it’s time we move on from that.

you’re just trolling now… right?

i gave very specific instructions on how to navigate to the masses of video settings which are available.

you’re just yanking my chain at this point.


I am terrible sorry this happened to you. How awful.

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You constantly kept on refusing to understand what i’m talking about. So i just accepted you truly don’t know and just accepted what you’ve said is false because you didn’t give any examples or specify. And i’m being serious here.

You literally didn’t. I’m looking though your posts and not one point you did. You just said “Oh it’s under video” without specifying. If you would’ve then we wouldn’t be at this point. I mean lying to me that you did when i (or anybody) can go back and check doesn’t really help the case here.

This is why i wanted to move on from this now.

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Nobully’s a well-known troll. Look at his name.

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