Switching alts and acting like you’re different people in a thread to fit your narrative and disrupt a thread, actually falls more in line with what you’re trying to call me. Not very wise.
I agree that the silence feature using number of reports to determine the validity of the silence is a very poor mechanic. Especially when people as a whole are much like lemmings and follow whatever someone tells them to do. If you need any proof, try initiating a vote kick in a dungeon (you being the tank not tanking) against a melee dps claiming the tank is bad or not tanking. You will be surprised how often votes like that make it through.
I mean you can get the silence overturned through a ticket - which is annoying. But I think the key is to have some kind of ramification for those that reported in the first place when the silence was unwarranted.
Honestly, good, keep it up. Any type of sales of content in the game should be mass reported. If thats what the players want thats what the players get. Noone believes youre selling legit runs that arnt going to be profited from in the real world. And if you are get reported anyway for wasting your own time. gg kids
The squelch thing is pretty pointless considering when you report someone for chat violations, they automatically get ignored. Why do you need to squelch them if you can’t even see that they are still posting?
That’s actually very common in randoms. It’s bizarre. People can start a votekick with the reason of “AFK” for someone who’s wailing away at the boss, and within 3 seconds poof they’re gone.
Since we know it’s a squelch and they’re sending emails for squelches now, for my own morbid curiosity, are you able to use group finder or no? My understanding is that squelches and silences have the same effects and that you won’t be able to use LFG, although I haven’t seen that confirmed.
If the time frame to get an automated squelch appealed was reasonable, it would be one thing. But when you get a squelch and it takes > 1 day to appeal it, and you’re unable to play the game during that time (squelch/silence do more than just keep you from talking, you can’t join groups), and it gets overturned via appeal a day+ later, how is that fair?
I posted this elsewhere but I will say it again here:
If you are advertising carries/boosts in trade right now you are playing with fire.
Take a week off from selling services like that.
I’ve seen several people advertising on my server and most of it looks just like the previous ads so myself and many others are reporting them.
If they are truly legit and not ad bots, Blizz will lift the auto-squelch and no permanent penalty applied.
We as players have no way of vetting these rando’s brazenly advertising a service in the wake of a fairly big policy change so it makes sense to report them in case some community is trying to skirt the rules.
Also, Blizzard did not do a good job communicating this to the average player. Most of them are getting info 2nd or 3rd hand in trade chat.
The first one i’ve appealed took less than 40 mins, this one is taking a bit longer but i believe it will be removed in an hour or two, atleast i hope so.
The intent is to block things like gold sellers and bots from disrupting everyone else.
If 20 people report the same spammer, chances are good they are disrupting the entire channel and the squelch stops that and let’s Blizzard know it needs more immediate attention.
Obviously this can be abused with coordinated effort and the whole thing could use improvements but that’s on Blizzard to work that out and they seem content with the current iteration.
If people are abusing the auto silence there are already consequences. That being said, Blizz CS usually sides with what chat decided the thresh hold for spam is since you can only make 1 report per account. Not like people can just swap toons.
What constitutes spam is up to the community in most cases.
If its a coordinated effort to abuse the system it has already been proven that they will get suspensions. It has been tested by many streamers. You can search youtube for videos of it.
Right now community tolerance for boost spam is low. Its not against TOS to report spam if collectively people think it is spam. If there are people talking about ganging up, thats reportable and should be.