Abuse of the report system for legit in-game sales

“Regardless of past penalties” makes it clear the threshold doesn’t care about account history, so I’m not sure why that’s being mentioned still.

It’s all academic right now anyways. A thread will go up in the CS forum later today.

The GM decision to silence you does.

The duration of your silence increases each time we apply it to your account.

I think you’re reading too far into things. The system to silence you is not automated. The account history is not the GM reviews of the account.

I think that means that say you got squelched before for advertising. They don’t change the number of reports that it will take to squelch you again if you advertise again.

Reports get can get you auto squelched and of course something/someone with more reports gets pushed up the priority queue for GM review. Something/someone with only one report may very well not hit the queue for quite some time, if at all.

I know it used to keep a quite extensive record of reports against your account. I got a chance to see a bit of the system in 2016. While chatting with the Support person, we discussed my account (obviously that was the only thing I had the right to see for privacy reasons). I had been reported twice in game for the lifetime of the game. Once for spam and once for botting. Neither of those were valid and neither got me punished. What he did not have still were the logs that would have supported an investigation into those reports. I can only assume the spam was a mistaken click when someone meant to report a different person. I almost never talk in public chats. “Botting” would be farming pet drops I would bet… I would spend hours killing dragons for whelpling pets until I had all of them. It was all very much manual so nothing came of it.

These days I think the report system captures a lot more data and the GMs don’t have to manually go back through the logs as much as they used to - exceptions for things like account compromises where there is a lot they need to look at. Those still take a ton of manual work that can only be done while they still have logs.


The support article is about Silencing, not squelching, and they also use the term “penalize” in that same sentence.

I’m going to be asking for clarification on this article later today.

gonna be hard for me to build a violin small enough for you. Stop selling carries.

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It means they don’t reduce the number based on past bad behavior. I think they are trying to prevent accusations that the “system is out to get ME because I once did something bad”.

You also have to remember that article applies to ALL Blizzard games and reports, not just WoW. Some of them are more “count” based than others. Overwatch may be a better example for that one.

Hopefully CS clarifies that for you and can tell you if, and how, that might apply to WoW.

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Your bait is terrible. I will no longer reply to you. Farewell.

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The point is a vocal relatively small segment of the population can be very loud which is exactly what is happening with squelching being automated.

Basically you can’t claim a majority feels one way or another just because a small vocal segment is being loud.

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Oh look the lvp being insulting after crying about insults.

Obviously no blue response is guaranteed, but it’s up there now. We’ll see what happens.

Oh look, more comments made that shows you still can’t read. :roll_eyes:

Please learn to comprehend stuff and stop making nonsense comments. If you can’t understand what “seems” means, look it up. Nowhere did I factually state that there was absolutely some majority.

And my point is many people can be a very small statistically insignificant segment of a population but due to the automated squelching happening at relatively low report numbers they can have a huge impact. That isn’t right and needs to be fixed or else squelching needs to only effect trade channels not group finder usage.

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Nope, you’re done. You’re attempting to create arguments that don’t exist and not reading. Goodbye.

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I didn’t create an arguement but whatever close your mind it’s what you are best at after all :slight_smile:

Considering I WAS NEVER PROMOTING SQUELCHING ONCE EVER, you’re once again making ridiculous comments, because you don’t read.

Seriously, just stop.

Then why excuse it and claim it’s a difficult probelm to solve? Remove automatic squelching make reports be reviewed before an account is actioned. It’s really quite simple. At the very least remove squelching effecting any part of the game besides trade chat.

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This is a great start, as honestly it’s this that hurts the most. So great I can’t chat in trade anymore, but now I can’t play parts of the game either? That’s silly. And the “just appeal it” theory would be fine if it was a 10-15 minute process, but when it can be DAYS, that’s just not acceptable.

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Second time i’ve been silenced in 2 days. I’m not spamming, i’m not doing anything agaisn’t ToS, i wait from 3 to 5 minutes to post another TORGHAST SELL message on trade chat, and yet these blueberrys keep reporting. If silence is actually done by GM’S, they are definately not doing their job right.

Will be appealing again, but seriously, that shouldn’t be the way to go.


Except the “abuse” can silence people for not spamming. You can post ONCE and have x number of people to report you to get you silenced - that’s the issue.

Meanwhile there’s all kinds of random non-trade related “discussion” occurring in the trade channel.


There’s no requirement of “I have to be sending tons of messages only” to get squelched or silenced, just like there’s no actual requirement for trade chat to be limited to only trading items or services. :3 Hope that helped!