Abuse of the report system for legit in-game sales

WoW has the ability to make your own chat channels. People can legit make one then be like “Join “Boosters” for boost adverts”. A guild could make a channel that is “[Name Boosts]”.

We have had this since vanilla. We used to have custom server wide chat channels for co-op raids, etc.

Nothing is stopping anyone…


Sorry. It was more of a sarcastic remark about how they won’t get squelched if only I report them, and since everyone only cares about reporting boosts now no one else will report them.

Of course this gets flagged. Some real salty people here when you point out that removing boosting communities did nothing to help trade chat.

Whatever. Obviously I’m not welcome here. I’ll just leave. Tired of the abuse anyway.

Ah ok, yeah some people do tend to let the body part spam go instead of report it. I get your take on that.

I did not mind the Murloc movie game though, NGL.

Totally nonsense flooding chat though, I report regardless.

P.S. You likely got flagged because the body part names are not ok in game or on the forums. For certain things.

Another problem is that people that are auto-squelched stay that way for a while before anybody reviews it. I say that there should only be a review and no auto-squelch. If the same people keep reporting the player again and again for nothing, they need to be penalized.

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To be clear, only one of their reports ever counts in-game. It’s not like the forums where you can character-hop and hide a post, in-game it requires multiple reports for unique battle.net accounts (which makes the reports much more plausible).

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Only one report per account is registered so the system tends to filter that out.

The article on Silences has a bit of info on that

Multiple abusive chat reports from the same person do not stack—only reports from unique players are counted towards a silence penalty.


please tell me you’re not serious

What ever it is, it’s not working as Trade in now flooded with A___ Spam. So much for automation.

I am serious. Can you enlighten me? What is an “automated report function”? Are reports automated now or something?

No one is abusing you. I understand why you posted the screenshot, but it is against forum policy. I didn’t report it, but just keep in mind that there are rules here and a legit reason for reporting it— not because people are salty about boosters.

You right click and report someone in chat in game. If enough people do the same, that person gets an automated squelch, where they cannot chat any longer nor join groups.

probably not because people here would report actual trade happening in trade chat other than the BS that’s getting said in there now

We always had an auto report function in game. You just right click the players name then report. There is no gm looking after that and if you get reported by enough player you get auto silence w/o a human being being having a handle on it

It’s not a warning when it comes with an immediate punishment lol stop pushing this idiocy.

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That sounds good, but double their time on the penalty.


How so? There are times when it is necessary. Anyone that posts their ads more than twice a minute is considered a spammer in my book. I will report as such.

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A simple quick fix would be to just give the spammers their own chat. Just call it something else than trade. If they continue to spam trade then whatever that would be their fault.

Let’s assume that the majority of people buy carries why not just make their own little tab in the dungeon finder? They can compete against each other in that tab(while still following tos of course). If this is really a big thing in the game then there should be tools available to make the process more streamlined. Then again the boosters would start crying as the competition would become even fiercer.

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Again: unsupported transactions aren’t going to get their own chat channel. Also, people won’t use it, because they know so many people would ignore said channel and no one is going to moderate trade chat like that.


and it would open up a ton of liability for Blizzard if something goes wrong.


I assumed a lot of people used these services, you on other hand do not as you think people would just ignore said chat. Which leads us to the real problem… and that is people are just really annoyed at boosters spamming chat and will report them(until this gets fixed).