Abuse of the report system for legit in-game sales

You seem completely complacent to do that here, so why not? If more people actually decided to do something (like the people who are using the functions on boost spam currently) it would be taken care of.

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What “automated report function”?

It’s hard for something to be abused if it does not exist. There’s no such thing as an “automated report function.” I’m not sure what that would even look like.

False reporters should be given the same penalty that was overtuned when the person they reported was found not guilty


Doesn’t seem to be working quite well. It’s not auto flagging people in trade for the A spam.

Do what I do: turn it off and never use it. I haven’t had trade chat on since Mists, I think.

Expect you were not falsely reported and your suspension was not harassment.

You have 2 recent threads on CS with Blizz Forum Support Agents reviewing your history.

You were very much earning your reports.

Vrakthris addressed you directly several times

Reminder, filters don’t mean you can break the rules or be a jerk without consequences. Blue Post :arrow_down_small:

The filter is not there for you to be able to say whatever you wish. It is an added layer of protection to allow parents of minors to block such language from their children while playing. It is also available for others who simply don’t want to see it, which is entirely within their right.

The ignore option also doesn’t allow you to say whatever you wish. It is there to help folks mitigate their social interactions. If you want to use inappropriate language, subject matter, or otherwise be toxic, that is entirely up to you. You may do so in the privacy of your own home, or other places that may tolerate it, but you’ll want to refrain from typing it out.


Didn’t the blues point out your transgressions on the CS forums?


I feel like a lot of this was inevitable. People have wanted the spam and stuff gone for so many years and now that it is they’re going to want to keep it gone. The best solution is honestly a separate chat channel that functions like global chat but for posting your sales etc. I know trade chat is for “trading buying selling etc” but it’s been plagued for so long with the paragraph spam people are going to continue the mass reporting of guilds who post there for a while whether it’s right or not.

WoW has the ability to make your own chat channels. People can legit make one then be like “Join “Boosters” for boost adverts”. A guild could make a channel that is “[Name Boosts]”.

We have had this since vanilla. We used to have custom server wide chat channels for co-op raids, etc.

Nothing is stopping anyone…


Sorry. It was more of a sarcastic remark about how they won’t get squelched if only I report them, and since everyone only cares about reporting boosts now no one else will report them.

Of course this gets flagged. Some real salty people here when you point out that removing boosting communities did nothing to help trade chat.

Whatever. Obviously I’m not welcome here. I’ll just leave. Tired of the abuse anyway.

Ah ok, yeah some people do tend to let the body part spam go instead of report it. I get your take on that.

I did not mind the Murloc movie game though, NGL.

Totally nonsense flooding chat though, I report regardless.

P.S. You likely got flagged because the body part names are not ok in game or on the forums. For certain things.

Another problem is that people that are auto-squelched stay that way for a while before anybody reviews it. I say that there should only be a review and no auto-squelch. If the same people keep reporting the player again and again for nothing, they need to be penalized.

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To be clear, only one of their reports ever counts in-game. It’s not like the forums where you can character-hop and hide a post, in-game it requires multiple reports for unique battle.net accounts (which makes the reports much more plausible).

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Only one report per account is registered so the system tends to filter that out.

The article on Silences has a bit of info on that

Multiple abusive chat reports from the same person do not stack—only reports from unique players are counted towards a silence penalty.


please tell me you’re not serious

What ever it is, it’s not working as Trade in now flooded with A___ Spam. So much for automation.

I am serious. Can you enlighten me? What is an “automated report function”? Are reports automated now or something?

No one is abusing you. I understand why you posted the screenshot, but it is against forum policy. I didn’t report it, but just keep in mind that there are rules here and a legit reason for reporting it— not because people are salty about boosters.

You right click and report someone in chat in game. If enough people do the same, that person gets an automated squelch, where they cannot chat any longer nor join groups.