Abuse of the party kick feature: should be patched

I’m sure there has been other posts about this, but I just wanted to say that that people abusing the kick feature to just be nasty to innocent people is disgusting and blizz should patch out this. if the vote isnt unanimous then it shouldnt be possible to kick someone. I was just in a party where the tank kept trying to kick the lowest DPS (i kept voting ‘no’) after the third attempt the guy somehow got kicked. We ended up 4maning the last boss (yeah the guy was kicked right before the last boss). The only thing this guy did wrong was being low dps… this should not be enough reason to kick someone in a random heroic, but even if one guy is a tool and decides it is enough reason… he shouldnt be able to if there is another person in the party saying no to the vote. it’s just a dic move.

We don’t need more tweaks to something as trivial as heroics. No more deserter debuffs on kicks/leaving after the first boss, no more counting votes differently if people are part of a party, etc.

Have Chaos Orbs be purchasable for Justice Points at the vendor, remove the Deadmines nightmare event, and have leaving a dungeon not be considered the end of the world. Adding more prickly features to try to protect players just makes it suckier for everyone

While I could see this potentially going either way, I think the point about abuse prevention is worth further discussion.

I’m not sure if some finer grained matchmaking or voting systems might make sense, or what… it also isn’t particularly clear that any amount of timeout is appropriate or helpful.

Perhaps it is! I’m just not sure that it would be relevant today in ways it was in the past. Would 15 minutes or 5 minutes serve the same purpose as well, worse or better?

In my personal experience, vote to kick happens infrequently enough as for me personally not to see any issues worth addressing or even noticing, but there are certainly some mention on the forums.

This makes me think that perhaps those who are experiencing what they consider to be abuses of the vote to kick feature should be posting in the customer support forums rather than general discussion as feedback from other players who may or may not be experiencing this might not be of any relevance to their individual situations.

that’d give the minority disproportional power.

simple majority is all it should take.

How low we talking? Because some dps just kinda afk, put people on follow, and then pretends to be new when asked about why they have only 2 attacks on a 3 min boss fight.