Absolutely desperate to play necromancer

When I see the video for the D4 necromancer it’s, like, neuron activation time. I’m borderline figuring out how much gold I gotta spend to get D4. I loved necro in D2 so much. I wish so much that I could play that … but in WoW.

My problem is I know I’m not gonna enjoy playing the necromancer all that much in D4, because I really haven’t super liked any Diablo game since D2. I guess I got my money’s worth on 3 and Immortal, but, eh.

I just really, really want to play this, but in WoW, and DK really doesn’t cut it. Maybe what I want is a World of Diablo? I dunno.

Anyway, I’d prefer to get tinker as the next class but I’m totally team necromancer after that.


Okay well we don’t have to outright lie now do we?

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Since I got it free it’s hard to not get my money’s worth. Played it for several hours.

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unholy death knight


isnt unholy dk basically a necromancer?

idk how they’d put this in without stealing from other classes/specs but it would be kinda cool.


Best you can do is Death Knight or Demo Warlock.


I think they just want the name tho

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I wish it was enough to fulfill my mighty need. But it’s just not D2 necro enough.

They are, but it’s about how it plays. Maybe if they added a summoner DK spec.

I think they want a full on pet class that has an army of pets but undead themed.

Closest to that is unholy DK, Demo Warlock, or BM Hunter - Forsaken and only undead pets.


Can a Hunter tame undead mobs?

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If its not like the D2 necromancer it isn’t really a necromancer its just a mage.

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Forsaken can at the start. Other races must go to Shadowlands and get the tome to drop in Maldraxxus. It’s account wide learn after that, I believe.

I suggest Forsaken going into SL to learn to tame the Gargon as they fit the necro theme too.


These words must never ever go together.

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I unlocked flying there and got the scout map so… I don’t suffer as much.

This isn’t the Diablo forums.

Which is why I’m talking about WoW.

I mean, no.

But, it isn’t strange the others want to play certain types they saw elsewhere.

See all the Blood Elves named a variant of Legolas when TBC hit.

I’d play one as well! Until then all we have is the forums and Gunther Arcanus.


I have those two things, but… Shadowlands…

I think so. If the game makers made a necromancer class, they’d take talents from the DK class so I wouldn’t want that.

I also think maybe OP is wanting a different kind of game with flavours of both WoW and Diablo.
But different.