Absent Class Tuning

Are you seriously trying to make the claim that grinding more HKs makes you better or more knowledgeable at a class?

Brother, literally anyone in the game could make a dk, spam Q ashran/IOC, and press no buttons other than path of frost while following a zerk and get more HKs than you.

HKs mean nothing in terms of understanding or skill expression. You are literally the best case study example of this, because despite numerous HKs, you still lose 50% more games than you win.

This is like you trying to say that youre a pro at CSGO or some fps because you have more clicks than the average shooter in cookie clicker.


nothing means nothing skillwise. every single thing you can point to for measuring someone’s skill can be bought and gamed. the only way to really tell if someone is good is to actually play with them a while.

when it comes to arena, i would fully respect that statement as i don’t really make it my focus, but “game-wise” is overreaching.

a good epic is won with good strategy, good strategy is enacted by good players. you really see this when premades go at each other. the ones with more skilled and experienced players who participate in multiple types of pvp tend to be the strongest.

Then why is your rbg xp also very low, despite BDK being very good?

why do you measure the intelligence of fish by their ability to climb trees?

try it, at the moment only Zeela is ahead of me.

Im not. Im talking to a fish in a bowl who thinks it’s a whale because it’s never ventured outside of it’s extremely limited environment.


i could say the same about you.

But you can’t. Not logically (not that that has stopped you from making incorrect claims in this thread already).

I’ve performed better than you in every metric that measures skill from winrate to rating to titles across different game modes and brackets.

The only metric you have over other people is HKs, which means literally nothing other than participation. And even in doing do, you game and exploit that metric by qing pre-made epic bgs.

And I think you know that, but it’s more important for you to feel right than actually be right.


You’re circumventing restrictions to bring a premade raid on voice chat into a bracket that does not allow players to queue up in a raid group. You’ve stacked your team to guarantee an overwhelming advantage over a team of random pugs. While your premade raid farms HKs as a demonstration of “skill,” you’re driving players away from PvP.


bg/skirm is for causals in pvp in same way LFR is for causals in pve

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checked my reflex, 6,107 wins, 877 losses. now that’s a win rate.

and i premade epics because i enjoy epics and have made friends along the way, not because i need to to win. this whole entire world of drama and nonsense and fun sprung up and you entirely missed it because you only care about flexing your rating.

This is exactly my point and why it’s so frustrating to see such a level of delusion. You aren’t even playing anything close to fair or balanced pvp, and when you do, you lose 50% more games than you win.

You rely on an unfair advantage and are bragging about your “success” entirely metricized by bullying casual and undergeared players. It’s honestly disgusting.

(@inemia, not holycow).


This isn’t true, though, or youd also try arenas/rbgs. You only Q pre-made epic bgs where you can fight undergeared/uncoordinated casuals just trying to gear or learn the game. You dont have fun playing, you have fun winning.

And you aren’t good enough to win without an unfair advantage and that all comes with you not understanding your class and how strong it is or how it works.


At some point, they became focused on bg win rates as if they mean anything when they’re rigging their games.

It’s also odd that they decided to swap to a tanking spec because they were concerned about sniper shot. How are you dying with a premade raid on voice chat and multiple pocket healers?

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I mean, you aren’t. Going to those lengths basically guarantees a 95%+ winrate. :dracthyr_love_animated:


don’t mind holycow, he’s been on my ignore for like a year and still stalks me around the forums posting stuff that is essentially a lie. we don’t stack the team, in fact that would be shooting ourselves in the foot by putting people on classes they are unfamiliar with. no, we just ask people to play whatever they want to play, the more casual nature of unrated means you get a lot more wild and crazy specs and plays than what is limited by meta in arena.

and when it comes to you thinking my win rate is less that 50%, that is just this season with me goofing around with blood. when im playing unholy i basically walk in and go straight to 1800 to get the mog and then walk out. after that i only maintain above 1k to get the seasonal mount.

nah, my team mostly hunts other premades, and we are the best at it. when we get matched against full pug groups, we usually end the game quick, like 3-5 minutes quick. my fastest game so far is a 1:28 ashran. its the teams we hunt that you are thinking of, they are the ones stacking FOTM and 14 healers and taking intentionally long play strategies where they farm the other team instead of playing the map.

except i don’t only queue premade epics. sometimes i solo queue them, i also do blitz and randoms and wpvp and brawls and sometimes, even arena.

i’ve 1v1’d thousands of glads, but okay.

Participates in the PvP forums and sometimes disagrees with your posts when I come across them.

Premade raid on voice chat. In a bracket that does not allow players to queue up in a raid group.

I guess we’re also trying to ignore all the geared healers and meta specs your premade raid just happens to bring into the team.

Your premade raid farms thousands of HKs.

Is that why you’re asking for DK buffs?


I’m guessing this is those same premades that back in the day when wsg/arathi were the game mode, that would avoid other premades due to not liking competition.

If they’re not running over casuals is not a good game I take it.


Holycow is one of the nicest people. No one cares who you have on your ignore list snowflake


Epic bgs don’t take skill man, they’re all about getting objectives. You don’t have to know what x y & z do to win.

Somebody could be horrid but as long as they spin the nodes & zerg where callouts are made, they can win.

Arena focuses more on an individual’s skill & knowledge of classes while rotating cds properly to trump the opponent in the death match.

They’re not comparable when it comes to the amount of skill required for the two different modes.

You trying to justify you having more knowledge of the game than Nas by telling him you have more hks than he does on a dk is a meme in itself; ofc if you spam epic bgs with a premade you’ll have more hks than somebody who strictly qs arena we’re talking a out 40v40 v 3v3.

You’re delusional.

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