Absent Class Tuning

Because rating IS a measure and expression of skill. You are losing over half of your games against below-average players. If you really knew what you were doing, that would not be the case. It’s okay to not know, everyone starts somewhere. It’s also okay to just be wrong; I’m wrong all the time and I learn from that!

Dk is NOT supposed to be an unkillable juggernaut. It had that identity in BFA (and all of slands vs wizards) and it was incredibly miserable/toxic to play against. Further, this isn’t POE, not every class has multiple unique builds. There may be some slight variations, but more or less the fundamentals of the specs are the same regardless of talent choices.

Snapshotting, while neat in theory, is also INCREDIBLY frustrating and annoying to balance/play around as evidenced by the feral community for the last decade and a half. Further, dots are SUCH a small part of unholy’s damage.

In every arena setting it does. I’ve never seen a dk not top scoreboard damage, win or lose, outside of games where something literally dies in the open. The game is also more pve focused than ever, so that damage portion is EXTREMELY meaningful.

Yes, and DK is one of the best classes at pve.

Dk has better and stronger offensive CDs than most other classes, though, and can basically get tbeir damage off without repercussion assuming they exhibit even a modicum of setup.

DK is still significantly more survivable than most specs. If these things are significantly impacting you, then youre playing wrong and that’s okay.

I helped a blood dk M+ buddy who had never pvpd get his 2100 S2 for the shadowflame enchant and we played bdk+ele sham in 2v2. Finished like 36-3 or something and it was honestly pretty insane.