About the shaman ghost wolf shapes

I love that there’s finally something to choose that’s not a wolf or a raptor. Personally, I feel there should be some options more reflective of that race of the shaman, example dwarfs get a ghost ram. Just a thought, even if I do like the new models.


Are there new ones now or in 9.2?


So…what tauren becoming wither cows or bulls, high mountain becoming a moose, dwarves being rams with maybe dark iron also being a ram, pandas turning into feral bears, vulpera getting fox forms and the like? Draenei maybe a goat… but…what would goblins, trolls, orcs, and kul tiran be in that case? I for one am happy to see I’ve got more reason for making a vulpera shaman than just adorable totems


Just give Shaman the entire Soulshape catalog.


Trolls and orcs are already handled with raptors and wolves, Tauren I would go with a kodo or plainstrider, and so on. Goblins is an interesting one and I don’t really have an answer for that.

It’s looking like they are starting to makes moves to advance character customization in ways they can and it would be a good way to give each one a bit of its own identity.

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Not the entire catalog. Just a bunch of them. They shouldn’t have the same deer/stags or cats as Druids. Different class fantasy.

Shaman should get boar, cobra, hyena, gryphon, lupine, saurolisk, snapper, spider, wolfhawk, wyvern.

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Disagree. Ghost animals don’t feel very Druid so I don’t and won’t see a problem with it.


Druids literally turn into a blue Scooby-Doo ghost form. lol And the stag form is the exact same as their travel form. So is the runestag form. Shamans can have a great deal of other soulshape forms. I listed just some of them. God forbid should class fantasy of the stags stay with druids.

are u going to show me proof or not?

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Young Shaman: “I would like to be the form of a mighty stag.”

Elder: “Oh we can’t do that. Don’t want to step on any druids toes. Or hooves amirite?”


They are right! Stags are a symbol of druids. Shaman can live without it. They’ve got a boatload of other forms they can have with the soulshapes.

I don’t agree. :woman_shrugging:


The lore agrees with me that they’re a symbol of Druids and an important part of their culture. It’s okay for Shamans to not have a few out of the many soulshapes that exist. You do you, and I’ll do me.

Indeed. Which is why I’ll request the entire catalog.


What I don’t get is why are still glyphs that will cost a lot. Instead of barber items like druid forms?

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ghost kodo of course!

I one 100% agree! They certainly shouldn’t tread on Druids toes with forms they can be, but the rest should go to Shamans :grin:

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I want a shaman form you can ride just as the druid ones

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The ghost form should be initially locked by the race’s associated animal companion (Wolf = Orc, Troll = Raptor, Dark Iron Dwarf = Magma Hound) which is a feature they should have done for years now.