About the shaman ghost wolf shapes

I wanna say we can’t be to greedy but I’m a warlock sooo…

Still waiting on Squirrel form…

We should get an Elekk form. They could literally just recolour an existing baby Elekk model for it.

Goblins are a ghost piggy bank, trolls are better raptors, orcs are the classic wolfs, kul tiran are puffer fish.

Shamans deserve all the soul shapes. They basically took ghost wolf and made it a covenant ability for everyone >.>


one of those jelly mucks from maldraxxus…lol

I want a DUCK.

I want to name my Shaman Daffy.

Aren’t some of the druid bear form’s stone forms? That’s a shaman thing.

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A compromise I’d think fitting would be to give all Shaman two spirit forms: The base wolf and depending on the race: kodo/Moose (Tauren/Highmountain), rams (Dwarves), wolves (Orcs), etc. Shaman have an element of spirituality (literally, spirit is an element), however they largely understand it through the lens of their racial culture (communing with the ancestors and the native spirits), and most are not adept as Shamans at wielding it the way a Monk or Druid can (Thrall can summon ghost wolves and communicate with Wild gods, but he’s also considered the World Shaman).

I don’t remember Shaman ever turning into stone bear forms with grass and moss on them that represents Nature and the Wild Gods.

When you can show me an exact copy of a form that Shamans and Druids both have, then you might have a point.

The stone being thing is a shaman thing : P.
Anyway shamans and druids are basically cousins in the wow lore.

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No… asking help from Earth Elementals is a Shaman thing. Nowhere does a Shaman turn into stone and look exactly like a Druid form.

Malorne and the Druids of the Antler are deeply rooted into the lore for Druids. Giving Shaman a direct copy of a stag form doesn’t make sense. There’s plenty of other soulshapes y’all can have without two stags. I’d even argue the moose, since Highmountain and Eche’ro. Even with those three, there’s tons of forms for Shaman. I listed ten of them.
And that doesn’t include the other two y’all are getting.

So that’d be twelve forms for Shaman and three no one would get. Seems like a fair deal to me to keep class fantasy and lore. :woman_shrugging:t4:

They aren’t. Druids are linked deeply to Nature and the Emerald Dream. Shaman have a relationship with the elements and spirits. Two entirely different things.

Both are schools of nature. We both use nature magics. Druids also use a bunch of spirit magic same as shamans and monks. Druids use stuff like typhoon/cyclone. Wind magic stuff of air elementals too.

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I explained this to you in detail. No, they are not the same. A gameplay classification of a spell is not lore.

I’ll say it again, the majestic bush chicken for goblin spirit form (but higher rez). :grin:


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!

YES! :heart::heart::heart: