About the reddit pvp "changes"

Him getting scared out of that thread tells us all we need to know. Blizzard has been really lazy about banning for RMT the last few years though so I doubt anything will be done if they were even dumb enough to leave any trace with in-game logs. No DH fails to get 2400 in RSS pre-nerf but gets Glad in half the games early in the season though. And certainly this guy doesn’t stop arguing unless he has a good reason to keep his mouth shut.

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i had a respectful discussion with adroi about a topic we clearly both feel differently on and did just fine. this clown comes in here talking about stuff he clearly has no clue about and simply jumped to rating bashing when his lack of knowledge was on full display

i have zero doubt he swiped that card for glad especially given your added information

Whatever you gotta tell yourself. That and 8v8 is the same as 3v3. You act like an expert and barely broke 2100. I’ve got higher rated than you right now than you have ever been on three different classes.

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That I stopped replying to a thread where I was getting reported with zero proof? Yeah… tells you all you need to know…

Aren’t you like the biggest troll on this forum? Getting banned multiple times? Impressive…

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feel free to quote where i said that

i have done no such thing. you just couldn’t argue your point so you immediately jumped rating bashing

bulb’s a bit dim, eh?

rating is meaningless in this discussion lmao. i can post on my ret that i got 2200 on in s1 pre 10.0.7 if you’d prefer, but it changes absolutely nothing

i also never paid a dime for my rating. unfortunate you can’t say the same

Did we meet these people who regularly sell boosts in lfg by chance

or are they old friends

Speaking from experience, eh?

what’s interesting is if he purchased it with gold, it would be 100% legit, but he either hit up overgear or he’s to ashamed to admit the gold purchase

pathetic either way

If I were I wouldn’t have missed crimson

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Nice job on the quick edit lmao

The one where I said a certain demon hunters partners only play with people for money?

Idk how we pivot away from that considering it’s against the rules

The one where you were talking about how you had been using boosters lmao

you literally quoted the part he removed and it still doesn’t say what you said it says

What classes do you play?

I think blizzard posted those as a tester to see our reactions and if they actually implement it or not.