Blizz pls, if you have any love for the warcraft legacy, either leave the old model alone or update it to the one from HoTS, but please, please, for the love of everything, don’t turn hogger into a fursuit. Lately, all models are going on a very weird trend. Please take into account the warcraft art style and expand upon it instead of trying to copy Disney characters.
It’s quite the eyesore.
You mean the people who harassed the female employees?
Blizzard has been erasing the legacy of “The Old Guard”, in some cases justified, in other cases, like this, not.
Initiating Opinion download from Asmonbald.toxic.nevergoingtoplaywowagain
Opinion loaded, “Furries lul!!1!!”
Hots hogger does look cooler but there’s nothing wrong with alpha hogger aside from his colors being incorrect
Agreed, I don’t know what’s happening but more and more models are starting to pop up that look like a furries dream.
The only real issue is the face though.
I think it looks terrible from a biological view. That weird head-neck transition looks just as bad on gnolls as it has in tauren, orcs, worgen, and almost every other creature that has their head jutting out of their chest
I dunno i think that’s just a blizzard conceptualization problem, they treat all beast races as if they are actually 4 legged creatures that are just walking on 2 legs for funsies
Hence, “in some cases justified”.
In other cases, also as mentioned, it isn’t. I don’t think nerfing Hogger by changing him from his Warcraft 3 inspired roots to whatever that is supposed to be is appropriate though. I’m pretty sure Metzen and Didier came up with the Gnolls and they haven’t done anything wrong as far as I know.
Literally a generic gnoll.
This is the solution.
The HoTS and Hearthstone art assets are superior.
This must be some alliance joke that I’m too horde to understand.
Okay? Generic gnolls didn’t really need to be changed to look like that either.
Heck, look at the Gnolls in Arclight Rumble.
That looks like a Gnoll.
Yeah, they needed an update.
Looks like a mobile game.
New Hogger has more than three pixels and isn’t a block, he’s great. Sure, he could look a little more menacing, maybe some more armor, things to make him stand apart, but it’s an improvement in general.
A mobile game more loyal to the original look/feel of Warcraft.
Many such cases.
they already made Hogger a fur suit. When you do the quest in BFA to save Princess Talanji and Zul if you search the Stockades in the room where you fight Hogger, there’s a secret Hogger fursuit costume on the ground.
Hogger → Hugger
I agree… Sir Derps-a-lot is some of the worst artwork I’ve seen come out from Blizzard…
They should have made him look more menacing. He looks like a Saturday morning cartoon villain.