About the NE (possible) 8:1 Kill Ratio in the WoT

Because before Cataclysm, they didn’t. They didn’t get much lore back then and as a result, they got to coast on the presentation that Warcraft 3 offered - a presentation that I find is pretty much universally what Night Elf fans want.

From Cata onward, it’s also not complicated to figure out why people are upset.

It’s really not hard, at all.


Everybody loses sometime. Yeah y’all have been losing pretty consistently and for awhile, but that doesn’t actually diminish what you apparently liked which was the Night Elf characterization in the RTS. I imagine that’s why you are still playing a Night Elf at all.

I can’t promise you will get back to having victories - there are other playable races that are still waiting on their first victory (looking at you, Tauren) But maybe you’ll win again someday.

People like you have been saying this for eleven years, and you’ve been wrong ever since the first person said it.

In the meantime, this does not convince me to play the game.

As to this:

Yes it does - it prevents me from having that fantasy when I roll a Night Elf, because it has put it to lie.


Well, we’ll either be right eventually or not. Gotta keep playing to find out.

No it doesn’t, just go play Warcraft 3 and you’ll get to play the fantasy you want.

Again, after 11 years, this is not an acceptable answer. Hell, it wasn’t acceptable after 5. Neither is telling me to just go play a different game if you’re trying to defend this one.

I think you’ve pretty firmly failed in the task that I’ve given you here.

Does this mean you have a ship with a swimming pool? And where do I get mine?

If anything, BfA did more to restore Night Elves to their Warcraft 3 roots than anything.

The War of Thorns had all the druid conclaves, the ancients and more reappear from their long idle or non-existent role to fight alongside the Night Elves in defense of Darkshore. Which continued in the Darkshore Warfront by having the Ancients, Dryads, Wyverns, etc show up and serve their original role.

It was a return to form.

I agree with your second paragraph, but as we have seen, it didn’t translate to much. I don’t want to discount what is a significant and positive change - getting the Cenarion Circle to actually care about Night Elf concerns, but the result remains a hollowed out shell of what the Night Elves used to be, now as of when we’re speaking watching their prospects for striking back against the people who did this fade away due to Blizzard’s unwillingness to portray such a thing.


I don’t know what venues you travel in, but I never got that kind of feedback from Horde players.


Yes, ofcourse, the Darkshore warfront that is of weak canonicity. Where neither Sira or Delaryn nor Nathanos nor any of the Forsaken we know were captured there. Whose assets we almost never see otherwise in the game.

And when all those nature allies magically disappear when we need them the most.


The part that has always bugged me is the speed at which the Horde was able to advance while dragging those catapults. I think Saurfang even comments at one point about how the catapults would slow them down.

Frankly, dragging ancient siege equipment through Ashenvale and the Darkshore, seems like it should have taken much longer. And the siege equipment itself should have been fairly vulnerable to sabotage or hit and run tactics.

I got it all the time in the SF Discord when I was there - you can find it to this day in GD, and if you look to the tweets that came up as the War of the Thorns was being introduced, it was (and remains) absolutely present.

This shouldn’t surprise you - that’s how rivalries work. But don’t pretend that it wasn’t there.


Nobody was captured in Arathi either. That isn’t the purpose of Warfronts.

It’s present even prior to the Warfront in the Darkshore questing to unlock the zone, as well as the post-Warfront questing experiences.

When? They were there at Teldrassil and they were there at Darkshore, there hasn’t been any other Night Elf exclusive battles/scenes since.

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Yeah, the purpose is to kill them.

Not when needed. They weren’t there in the War of Thorns, or in the NW scenario. They are just present in non- story important events.

I didn’t realize I was arguing headcanon. My apologies.

I didn’t realise im arguing with a disingenuous person. I won’t apologize for wasting my time.

You’re literally saying there’s no ancients in War of Thorns. That’s literally not true, so you’re the one being disingenuous here.

You’re either arguing headcanon or you’ve never played the event you’re complaining about.

Are you referring to the ancients/wild gods or to druids, dryads and ancients of life/war?

You listed a lot more than ancients.

Btw show me where in canon lore, ie, Elegy and A Good War, where they are.

All of them.
Though mostly to the non- ancients.