About the NE (possible) 8:1 Kill Ratio in the WoT

I’m highlighting instances of trash talking - which is expected in a rivalry but we have no counterplay for because the past eleven years have been hell bent on demonstrating that the Night Elves suck. Whether you regard the sentiments behind them as “bad” or “good” is besides the point. The point is that the rivalry is badly out of balance - regardless of whether you liked the War of the Thorns or not.

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I used to swim from Teldrassil to Darkshore on this character, so it’s not that far. And again… they had shamans at those catapults, who certainly could have asked Air for a boost. The vertical height would have been much more of a challenge, but again… shamans.

There is support for the Horde outnumbering the Night Elves 8 to 1. That does not necessarily correlate to kill numbers as Night Elves are less likely to persist in a suicidal defense until no other options are available., and the Horde forces were obviously not eliminated to the last man.

It was however by all accounts a high butcher’s bill on both sides. Attackers in such a war are going to be having more casualties than the defenders, especially those that are that close to the environs.

The night elves had defenders advantage, such as when a large force is attacking a castle where the attacking force usually suffers more casualties. They still incurred loses of most of their army and most of their civilian population. The casualty numbers aren’t known, it’s not even known if the horde even lost more soldiers than the night elves (not including civilians), the problem as well as them not putting up much of a fight was them getting outmaneuvered in the land they should have known for 10k+ years because they are massively incompetent on top of being rolled over.

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Is anyone going to mention how an entire Night Elf city was wiped out by a single blood elf rogue?


That was in horde questing, he was also laughing about how easy it was because the night elves were portrayed as so weak in game.


That was a poor representation of what actually went down there. There was actually a fairly large number of forsaken rogues. canon wise your job on the Horde side was just to strike key leaders.


It’s not just a poor representation. In A Good War, Lorash dies before the Horde even gets to Astraanar.

They straight-up changed facts between the book and the game to make the Night Elves look even weaker in the actual presentation.


So I guess we imagined all the posters making fun of Sylvanas fans when she left the Horde or the folks on this very thread talking about the Horde being hilariously inept at ever winning any battle that wasn’t a surprise attack?

There’s plenty of raw material for y’all to have ‘trash talking’ counterplay, just pick a ‘feature’ of the Horde story and dig in.

I also used to swim from Teldrassil to Darkshores on a ship.
I guess Night Elves are not idiots, and if it was possible just to swim away from Teldrassil, than non of them would die…

But anyway there was a quest, to save Night Elves from Darnassus. During that quest, catapult bombs were felling from the sky, killing local Sentinels. Darnassus, if you will open the map, is on the far west side of Teldrassil, while Darshores are on the east. And it took a couple of days for people from far east villages to come to Darnassus.

So, those catapult bombs flew not only over some water, they flew over mountains, over forests, over lakes and rivers, over villages and cities, and fell into Darnassus from the sky. While Darnassus was on the top of the World Tree.
So, Horde catapults basically can shoot down Vindicaar from the sky.

Regarding shamans, if Horde had such supper cool shamans, why they did not use such magic at Brennadam, or some other places?


I hardly see how any of this provides any claim to prowess for the Night Elves in the faction rivalry. It certainly isn’t enough to make me feel good about PVPing, or to remove the general feeling that Night Elves suck on either side. The most I see here is Schadenfreude against Sylvanas fans, which probably has something to do with them rubbing Teldrassil in our faces in the first place.

Well… simple answer is the game team didn’t bother to think about it. The cinematics team, story team and particularly game design team seem to have very poor communication (or the game team just ignores what they are told by the story team, and does what they feel ‘inspired’ to present).


I think this is giving them too much of the benefit of the doubt, especially when in A Good War, they establish that catapults have a range of 100 yards, and then arbitrarily take it away so that catapults can win artillery duels with shipborne cannons.

They wanted the Horde to have this big devastating win, every possible constraint be damned.


Did they? That is sort of dumb. A simple search on the matter shows that for historical catapults 490-ish to 540-ish yards is an effective range, with maximum ranges of up to something like 820 yards.

…So Horde catapults would of been laughably weak with a range like that.


Either that or I can cross from Darkshore to Teldrassil in the span of 5 Blink spells. I knew the world was tiny but god DAMN

Oh please, can we not litigate the “devastating win” thing in yet another thread?


Yes - but of course cannons have effective ranges that well exceed that. There’s a question about accurate fire - but against a stationary target that’s much easier - and that question concerning accurate fire should apply to catapults as well.


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It doesn’t but Night Elves aren’t the only ones involved in the faction rivalry. Your characters strengths (or lack thereof) won’t stop you from picking on your rivals flaws and you can take all that bitterness you clearly have and use that for your PVP motivation, like I do every time I have to do a BG on my Troll.

I don’t know what they can do about that given that Night Elves in WoW have never really lived up to what they were like in Warcraft 3. You might just have to make your own ‘cool’ through RP.

No, but human victories don’t matter to me. They just scream “Roll a human”, which I don’t want to do - and bitterness only works for so long as motivation. If you’re convinced that you can never win, why play?

That’s what you need to convince me of to prove me wrong here. So that’s the task I set to you - convince me that Night Elves don’t suck, and that I can enjoy representing them in PVP again, rather than just playing some other game that isn’t invested in telling me that my choices are wrong and that what I like in the game sucks.


That’s a tall order for someone that already admitted that Night Elves have never been cool in WoW and pretty much were at their best in a nearly 20 year old RTS.

I’d have to question why you rolled a Night Elf to begin with at that point. Why did you ever think Night Elves (in WoW) didn’t suck?


That is for sure true. I am not entirely sure why they are even using catapults, realistically. Other than the old school orc vibe they were seemingly going for.

Ive often wondered what sort of range the glaive throwers would have. The gyroscopic force should keep the glaive fairly stable in flight, after all.

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