About the NE (possible) 8:1 Kill Ratio in the WoT

I wasn’t going to list them all again just because you off-handedly dismiss them. Ancients was the only one that’s laughable because they stand out the most, which shows you’re using bad-faith arguing to try and push your point.

And they’re all present and accounted for in-game, the thing that people actively ask for stories to reflect in.

There isn’t going to be a chapter of Delaryn going “oh the druids of the branch are here, as are the Dryads! Good thing we got our wyvern riders back!”

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Well, I’m confused then because in the WoT questing, I saw ancients of war and life. I saw druids, and I saw Malfurion contributing. These groups previously let the Night Elves down in conflicts against the Horde, and I think that’s what Tewdee is referring to.

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Oh so you basically cannot find where they help out in canon lore? What a Surprise.

shocked pikachu face

I know what he’s referring to. I played through that garbage event like twenty times.
I saw no dryads, keepers or chimeras and even the fae dragons were removed from the event.

And it isn’t really canon for the Ancients when they don’t do anything in the actual books, the books which describe exactly how every event unfolds, and which is completely different from what we see in game save a few dialogues. For all we know, only the Darnassus Guard and the assisting mages/ priests/ druids were involved in the defense.

This is the part that confuses me. I’m recalling two events in particular, the first being a quest where you ride a Fae Dragon and attack the Horde in the Master’s Glaive. I’m also recalling that Dryads attacked a Horde-occupied Lor’Danel after the burning itself.

I would also raise, again, the presence of druids and Malfurion, something that yes, we did get back. I still say that it didn’t change much - because Blizzard didn’t want to change the outcome - but I do still think it’s important to acknowledge the return of those elements at least from a thematic point of view.

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It was removed I believe. Only present in beta.

That’s my point. They aren’t around when it matters. But in doubtful canon or unimportant events.

Can’t really say regarding all of the Circle.

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That is because it is ludicrous. Catapaults are actually put up when you get to your destination. They are siege weapons, primarily. They are not medieval tanks, which is what Blizzard tends to treat them as.

They’re literally fighting alongside the Druids prior to Teldrassil at Master’s Glaive. You literally recruit them in the quest A Looming Threat, which was the replacement quest to you riding a WOD Faerie Dragon.

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Fine, there are dryads. The quest to recruit them was also removed AFAIK. Still can’t find any of them in the novellas.

Once again, the in game event is debatable, weak canon.

Are you saying the novellas are more important than what is portrayed in the game quests? Because if so, let me get some popcorn. Kyalin’s going to want a word with you about that idea.


Eh, I don’t see any reason to doubt their presence in the absence of contradicting information.

Like I said, it didn’t amount to much, but it’s worth noting and acknowledging.


Im saying that the novellas are true canon.

Im sorry I don’t like scraps over the real deal.
Not to mention the crazy inconsistencies, which means one of them has to be non canon.

There are several issues with the depiction of things in WoT. Off hand, the Guardians of Hyjal just… are on Vacation, apparently. The Draenei literally JUST across the water never come in to help. The Worgen/Gilnean support was minimal at best when they are a largely mixed culture at this point.

The issues go on and on.


At the very least the night elves should have access to their own established allies. And yes, all of them. They share the land with them.

It would also have made the Horde death toll more logical, besides relying on Malfurion to be the sole muscle.


This is fair, I’m just trying to ensure that we’re being accurate.

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Showing dryads randomly fighting in a place we don’t even visit, ignoring the Keepers, treants and chimeras, the powerful Ancients and several keepers and dryads in Ashenvale we already met before, I don’t think I was really being inaccurate.

Tewdee’s point, and he’s made this point before, is that we did see more representation from the more natural allies in comparison to prior iterations, and this is correct. Cataclysm mostly presented an “army of archers”, whereas BFA made some improvements, even if again, it did not amount to much.

Does it get to where we want it to get? No, but the point is incremental in nature.


Putting asides the semantics and emotions over what is a “win,” nonetheless the story did rather undermine itself in the way it was told by A Good War and “Warbringers: Sylvanas” in that Blizzard had present the burning of Teldrassil as something that was going to happen but they didn’t actually put the effort into making it believable, rather coming off as a bullet point shoehorned into the setting because someone decided it to be so.

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And my point was that they are conveniently absent when it mattered. This is the crux of my argument , as they are nowhere described in the events of the novellas, or present during important story events (and I don’t consider the Warfront one because it is again debatable canon as per the events that actually happened there).

They are there for representation and not to actually play a role in the story, ie, contribute in a meaningful manner.

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