Is it too hard to believe that two big servers merging would be a bad idea?
People complain about blizzard not listening to feedback but the second someone complains about server merging because it would affect a certain community doesnt make sense. Its one or the other lmao
That’s not the issue. The issue is the OP is saying Blizzard is being dishonest.
The bolded part implies Blizzard lied about something. They didn’t. I don’t even see an official statement about it other than one update in the realm connections thread where Blizz says Hyjal simply won’t be merged at this time.
Edit: Oop, wait. There is an actual statement. One that says: “Yeah, we took another look. We’ve decided not to go through with it because we don’t think Hyjal really needs to be connected at this time due to numbers. Thanks.”
Yeah I was confused about what you were meaning aha.
Nah, its just annoying that people are trying to pull the whole “They just want a safe space” nonsense when thats not the case. Sure proudmoore is known for being the LGBT server and all power to us for making it as welcoming as it is. But calling out blizz for stopping the merger because “it would ruin the unique community” is really pushing it
As someone on proudmoore for years, the 20 alliance on hyjal aren’t missing out on much. Our trade chat is filled with alt right crap posting and bot spam. The spam is so bad I had to get the add on badboy to block keywords to make it stop…
It’s not pushing it when people were literally saying that in the thread made when the merger was first announced. But hey, if villainizing me helps you sleep at night, more power for you; my post was completely nonjudgemental about Proudmoore wanting to keep itself itself.
Wasn’t vilifying you friend, was only pointing out what you were saying wasnt correct. Sure there were people talking about it on the forum post, but if you actually spoke to the players on the server itself then you would know that the overwhelming opinion on it is that two high pop servers merging is only going to cause more problems than it would fix.
I was only pointing out my frustration with the overwhelming consensus on that issue, if my posts came across as accusatory then I apologize as that was never the intent.
The connection was odd because of the population of the servers. Hyjal is High Pop and Proudmoore is Full Pop.
While I understand if Alliance on Hyjal and Horde on Proudmoore might be upset by this, I think it’s best overall. Especially going into a new expansion where they may be queue times at launch and the fact they’re pushing us all into the same Bastion to begin leveling at 50.
Hyjal player and I also had concerns. Not with connecting with Proudmoore people (they are already shard with us sometimes). But with lag. If they revisit this, I hope they group us with another server that has a smaller to medium population. Not one that is high pop.