About spit and laugh

Wouldn’t you be able to target with:

/e spits on %t.

Or did they remove that as well?

note: not condoning or condeming use of any emote…

Oh yea, you can still 100% do a targeted spit

I just wanted to help him save time and just spit on everyone


…I’m all for policing toxicity (by both Blizz and the playerbase) but what the heck are you gonna suggest next, removing sitting because of tea - bagging??

Just wondering what kind of degenerate thinks it’s fun to spit on people in a video game.

I swear you people complain more then the ones you complain about.

You’re literally the snowflakes that get triggered at everything. Oh no a company made a decision so they must be pandering to a woke mob. How dare they change Mr. Potato heads gender! How dare they stop selling some Dr.Seuss books! Oh no I can’t harass people in game anymore! What a tragedy!

Get a life.

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More than likely. In loom of the scandal’s these forums already had takes for it to be implemented across the board. Some are calling for /lol too.

I was spat on while on my glorious sapphire skyblazer mount too. Didn’t bother me. Broke @$$'s just jealous.

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just dont take my cremation torch from me

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Not once did I claim I was upset by it.

The old adage is true. Folks hate it when you hold a mirror up to them.

Sort of people that get corpse camped for an hour, teabagged, before bringing in help to turn the table and spit on the corpse.

A prominent streamer suggested that people use the emote against those who spend money in Blizzard’s shop. I guess Blizzard doesn’t actually agree and wants to make it a little more difficult to do so.

Sure, sounds like a great idea.

How about instead of cutting character emotes out of the game, they actually employ a diverse crew of GMs to field tickets submitted by players who are being griefed and harassed?

Imagine being a guy that gets stuff given to them for free and gets carried through content being upset about someone buying a mount from the blizzard store.

The white knight enters chat

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So … I guess the blizz dev was right in the adjective he gave to asmongold. LMAO.

I guess… I didn’t really want to name names though.

One time someone did the /spit emote at me, and i literally dieded for super serious.

i spit on anyone that tries to gank me and fails…

/spit for elune baby

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Don’t let them play their Liberal mind tricks on you. These professional victims are good at trying to make you look like the one with the problem.

What these fragile people don’t understand is that there wouldn’t be an issue if they weren’t always trying to cancel something because of their hurt feelings. :wink:

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Like I told that one poor soul.

As the old adage goes, folks hate it when you hold a mirror in front of them.

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