About spit and laugh

I mean I was annoyed. And there was only one time a troll got to me with that crap. I’ll explain

I was doing a mog run on my druid. They’re a female tauren. The group I was in were clearly friends or guildies. One guy just would NOT stop with /moan and other things.

I didn’t have a mental break over it. Buuuuuuut I was getting frustrated anytime I would try to ask them to please stop or ask the raid leader to stop their friend. THAT was annoying.

And when I hid the chat the guy keep sitting and getting up around me. It’s like “really bro?”

I wasn’t annoyed at the emotes I was way more annoyed with the dude

Really, it’s literally on the news section of WOW head from 6 hours ago.

literally used the emote just now.

bro … right click and hit ignore.

Bro. I did. Like I said they wouldn’t leave me alone

spit is being removed. currently in the PTR. they stated this.

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Yea, you sure showed everyone how little you care about this and how you’re not mad by making a thread being mad over it being removed and calling people victims

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oh! thanks for the context!

Just disable emotes. All of them.

Maybe we also need to have a feature where you can toggle off certain types of communication so you aren’t triggered by people on the internet.

Maybe we need a “World of Warcraft Offline” for people who don’t want to interact with strangers.

It is a victim mentality. It’s sad. Completely sad … I know this hurt you because you’re so adamant about trying to paint me as a horrible person.

But no that’s not the case. Get help. Stop replying to me. Go talk to someone. Before somebody god forbids /lol you.

Yes, you do have a victim mentality, an emote was removed from the game and “you could care less” so you made a thread saying how stupid it was and how people need therapy

I know I’ve never made a thread on this subject, cuz it being in the game or not doesn’t really effect me cuz I don’t use it much, but clearly it bothers you enough to rage about it

Either own it and say you’re mad over the fact you cant spam /spit on people, or stop crying about it


Mal’s got a point

I don’t spam /spit.

I spam a macro where you throw goop on somebody turning them green with /fart. On a 5 min cd too.

Or the toy where it incinerates a corpse followed by another where baby raptors consume said incinerated corpse.

That’s all. I made a thread stating that people like YOU who are easily offended and scream / hurt yourselves over /spit and /lol need therapy. Getting them removed from game isn’t going to help you mentally.

Oh right, if you’re that desperate for spit

/e spits on you

Tada, you can still spit to your hearts content, but this one mass spits on everyone, saving you precious time

Ah, so you made a stupid assumption, considering you can desperately check my post history and see I never once commented being angry about /spit in the game or overjoyed its removal

Maybe you just need to realize you’re being a whiner

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There was a thread on Classic WoW forums about someone upset they were being /spit on because they had the store mount.


Found it.

Still spouting nonsense. Not once did I rage over it’s removal.

Get help. I know this is impacting you greatly, but you really do need therapy to try and continue to spin all of this on me.

Here’s a useful macro:

/em Baul spits on “<target”.

There, now the spit emote still exists in the game.

Laughing being removed would be worse since it actually has an animation/accompanying sound clip. But spit is just flavor text so throwing a fit about it seems weird. Also is weird to be annoyed by being spat on, but alas here we are. Both sides are acting like children.

Are they keeping the corpse flag toys? I mean, spit was always a facet of the hardcore PvP mentality in my experience. Are we going to be curbing boasting in general?

i just some of the article. So this is for TBC.

They probably did it so that people can buy the store mount without feeling like they’re getting made fun of or something lol

if it was a big deal they’d do it in retail too right? or is that happening?

The action you are referring to as the “butt scoot” is actually called “tea bagging”. Imagine having a hot cup of water in a mug and you take your tea bag on the string and dip it up and down in the cup. No imagine the “bag” that males carry in their nether region…just dipping them up and down on your warm corpse…and there you have it…the “boot Scoot” lol