About spit and laugh

DuH I know what that means…and no it’s not TBing…It’s a BUTT SCOOT…more like getting someones wiping habits on your dead body…

Not even Jesus wants to deal with this nonsense lmao.


How many emotes did they remove? FFS…

In all seriousness, people are just going to come up with a new way to disrespect others in it’s place. If you take one method away the community will come up with 2 more.

NEVER underestimate the power of random humans looking to turd on your day shrug

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If you had a mental breakdown over emotes being removed. You need to get off the internet and get therapy and help.

Mind you, I don’t give two farts about the emote(s) staying or leaving, but you guys acting like they kicked your dog is just as bad.

I’m much less concerned about people who don’t like being laughed at and spit on than I am about anyone angry that they can’t laugh at and spit on people.

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Nowhere in my post did I say im mad over it being removed. I could care less.

Sucks when somebody holds a mirror in front of you eh?
Get help.