About new alleria art

I don’t always mind if a new race isn’t added by popular demand, but some of them have been underwhelming, especially in light of better choices.

LFD could have been a customization option for regular draenei. Somehow we didn’t get Broken.

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yeah i was honestly expecting broken for draenei.

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She looks weird without her original facepaint. I’d be fine with the new look if they kept that.

I guess she looks more like Vereesa…

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taking away her facepaint hurts the most not gonna lie…its what made her. her. it was in since wc2. it like taking away marios iconic overalls and giving him puffy pants like they had in discos.

Has Bread been going to discos wearing puffy pants ?

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I look forward to seeing you in war within, bread
you better pack the dankest memes or ill be forced to nuke your house and eject your cat into the sun
in game, of course

i mean best case ill be here but not buy tww. havent decided yet.

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My head cannon, until I see otherwise in game, is that her transformation is based on recent events. Losing her sister, returning to her homeworld very different than she left it (cataclysm, shattering), leader of a sect of void elves, at odds with her family could all cause any manner of…war within. Each of the characters - minus Jaina - during the intro have some turbulence inside them. Even the cinematic shot of Anduin looking at the sun (the Light) and then turning back to the literal darkness ahead of him, is a very, very non-Anduin.

From a narrative perspective her new image may make her feel more “her” given everything that’s happened over the last ~8-10 years in game time. Or, it may also be an outward manifestation of her internal journey to find herself, after so much.


except with her new rework…its gonna be shoved in my face with everything. no matter where i go there be her new model. im pretty sure this is blizzard spiting me cause i dont like her void elf model.

Weird hill to die on but I get not liking her new design. It’s violently boring and lacking anything resembling visual characterization.

Colors? Who needs 'em?! Just monochrome.
Telltale facial markings? Get rid of 'em! Some gaudy eye make-up will do the trick.

It’s like someone asked an AI, “Design a League of Legends skin for Alleria Windrunner from Warcraft”.

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this was pretty much my same reaction when i first saw it like someone asked an ai to design allerias new look around a veressa void ranger. i could swear it also has certain imperfections in the art that are inherent to ai. like with the cape looking like its almost melding with her hand.

All I say, is consider what that means narratively speaking. If it’s the imagery that is most frustrating, regardless of the story reason behind it, well, visuals are powerful and very important to people.

I’m in it to see the “why” behind this and to see where the story goes. Again, maybe she wants to get as far away from her pat as possible. A massive makeover like that, and one that makes her look a little closer to the people that look up to her (Ren’dorei), may be what’s she’s going for.

i can ignore story. i cant ignore visuals. i also heard they gonna immediately make the new model apply to all versions in the game. dunno if that part true but wouldnt be surprised.

Yeah I don’t get why they dropped the entire ranger outfit and got rid of the blue mark on her face.

She doesn’t even look like Alleria.


I personally like the new model myself. But everyone’s tastes are different.

If you are quitting Bread I wish you well and happiness in whatever game you go to next.

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She looks like a genetic Overwatch skin. I have no idea why Blizz went this direction w her.



Yep. This is what I mean.


i like her knew gear fits better with her void stuff also looks like some swtor gear.

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western games only know ugly woman or tomboys now