About new alleria art



Gods, I hope you’re serious, because…


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So far from what I’ve seen, she looks too high school anime to me.

It’s like they’ve taken away her grittiness, her edge and now she’s one of Barbie’s girls or something.
Kinda kills the overall theme of Warcraft when they anime the npc’s.


They directly adopted a few anime hairstyles for Blood Elves. I’m just saying. :no_mouth:

Ehh Draenei are better than Alleria anyway.

What if those draenei like Alleria (the old one) and come as a package deal ?

im confused. and help my firefox messed up the window.

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Confused Breads are fun, Alleria or some of her clones might team up with some draenei ladies and chase after some naughty buff orcs.

Night elves it is!

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Welcome to the club, I felt the same loss with what they did to Kael’thas Sunstrider in BC

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i mean…yeah but that one sort of worked out in the end…was kind of funny to talk to a floating crystal studded elf. and he still had his base appearance…alleria on the other hand. looks like a veressa cosplaying void ranger wannabe.

She’s not wearing a school uniform so i’m not sure what you mean by that.

Give it time.

yeah the key art looks sort of animish…thats not really the problem…the problem is it doesnt look like alleria. at all.
it would be like if you gave mario soapbox shoes, red spikes on his back, a star braclet around his arm and big turquoise eyes with a hedgehog nose…totally not a discount sonic guys NOPE. its mario see. his name is mario. nvm the fact that he looks a lot like sonic we nintendo say its mario.

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Have we been looking at different models? She was always a Barbie. What grittiness? What edge? Then using anime as an insult, at least tell me what anime art style we are going with.


That seems unsanitary.



New Alleria character art just dropped. Due to not liking current, the devs have chosen just to completely cover her up.


I have to relent our eternal battle and agree with you. Her new art looks nothing like her original rendition. It’s not great. I felt like when they redid Tyrande they gave her even more resting rage face, which was also a meh direction. But her changes are minimal compared to the complete rework of Alleria.

Bummer that you’re quitting. Maybe the void in her will rise up and break out in tentacles on her nose. We wait & see.

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I would have loved her TWW design for Vereesa, but the classic fantasy elf ranger look was spot-on for Alleria.


…i mean you get down to it all the original female npcs were made as barbies…your point being? there isn’t anything wrong with a good looking npc it’s just they had alleria disappear for SO LONG they never got to actually give her a story arc. then she FINALLY COME BACK and they immediately ruin her backstory as a ranger whose home was ransacked by trolls and spends the second war hunting them down and the horde to turn into some tentacle void elf monster for some lame race nobody was asking for.

a race no one asked for…seems to be a running theme here with races.
only ones that got introduced that were requested were worgen,dark irons, kul tirans, highmountain?,nightborne maybe…although they were considered extinct until legion…

not really gonna hold my breath. blizzard has a my way or the highway way of changing npc’s and oftentimes its too fit either the artists or a devs personal fanfiction.