About new alleria art

i honestly think its jealous women who the make the fem characters uglier than themselves in some sort of spiteful and vindictive way not sure entirely.

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Counter point: Maybe it’s that individuals, both men and women, are starting to understand that not every single female character has to be a searing drop dead gorgeous middle of the magazine fold out hottie to have solid worth in a story line. Women of all spectrums of beauty do amazing things.


Yall think the new Alleria is ugly when it’s not. Oh waiit you want your anime FF14 woman style or realistic female in the game if so you’re playing the wrong game then.

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There’s something not right with you.

finally this person understands me.

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What art?

Did Blizz inject Widowmaker’s DNA into Alleria?!


Both versions of Alleria are not ugly though. Both are attractive and good art.

The issue I have with it is I prefer the original Alleria because that’s how I knew her, how she was introduced to me at that time.
That Alleria doesn’t look at all like the Alleria they’ve drawn now.

It looks like a completely different character, younger and kind of “mean girl” vibe Alleria.

Hard to take seriously and screws with my immersion but that’s me.


You are quitting because someone painted your girlfriend badly?

I mean I quit once mostly because Blizzard seemed deadset on adding incredibly random, and unpopular races rather than Naga. So

YEP sure am. also that new in game model looks atrocious.

Sometimes it’s good to take a break from Blizzards vision of the game so I can relate when people do this. :sweat_smile:

You probably aren’t that far off the mark. Stellar Blade got attacked by a bunch of female developers over unrealistic body standards and what not when the character was literally a digital scan of a model lol.


wonder why they got so upset

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My guess is that they are making the argument that it is unrealistic for a woman with that model’s body type to do the super athletic physical stuff Eve does. And also just demand fewer female characters in video games look how most people will find them even remotely physically attractive.

Edit: i take that back. They’ll be okay if the characters look REMOTELY physically attractive. But only just.

Well, don’t check out the new Perfect Dark trailer because Joanna Dark apparently developed a mans jawline at some point lol.

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i gave up on perfect dark afyer perfect dark zero.

Literally a man with makeup and waxxed facial hair.

Yeah, them and those other ‘women’. But they can’t just outright say it’s because they’re jealous of attractive women because that would never fly. So they’ll say it’s because of that pesky male gaze and all of a sudden it’s not only acceptable, but encouraged. Nevermind the fact that quite literally every woman who games I know is tired of this and wants attractive women back at the forefront. But this isn’t being done for women in gaming. It’s being done for self-important activists to self-insert themselves into everything.

But whatever, it’s why so many of these people are losing their jobs and so many studios are closing. Everything has to collapse so things can get to healing. I used to be sad about it. Now I’m apathetic.


her redesign looks bad in-model lmao
im not sure why they made her look more high elf than anything else she doesnt even look the same she looks like veressa or w/e the blue one is but worse. no more green not rly seein the void in her now so dumb