About blitz MMR

You might not go up in MMR if you win. The game tries to find you a game around your PERSONAL MMR range. Personal MMR is hidden in blitz unlike in shuffle.

Since it takes 8 to form a team it takes the groups MMR as a whole and shows that as the MMR in blitz.

For example I have won many games and been placed on a team with lower MMR the next game. This happened both during placement and my 2400 games this week.

I can imagine this happening more at the top of the ladder due to the lack of players. This doesn’t happen in regular rbgs as the whole teams MMR goes up. Remember teams are changed between rounds in bgb (obviously).


This is being changed in 11.0.5:

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That is good news and a welcomed change. I think it will help players by giving them more information about where they stand on the ladder (in additon to CR).

Feels bad, I’ve been qing 2500-2600 mmr all day and then wham i’m thrown into a 2k mmr lobby and lose, lose a bunch of mmr.


Yeah I don’t get it either. A few days ago I won at 2450 MMR then queued into a 2150 team, lost (because they had 2 MW while we had no fc) and it tanked my MMR. Recently climbed back up but during the process I went from 2352 down to 2248 now at 2301. Very weird.

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Isso está uma porcaria mesmo, eu comecei solo blitz peguei rápido 1500. Depois fiquei o dia todo e não sai de 1550, ganhava uma partida era 12 pontos se perdia era 11. Ai as vezes perde duas ou três seguidas perdendo 11 ou mais como fica?