Changes to RBGB MMR display in PTR


  • A column for Starting Matchmaking Value has been added to the scoreboard for Rated Battleground Blitz. Information about change in matchmaking value has also been added to the rating tooltip.

Not sure what it mean yet, but clearly they are hearing the confusion about how MMR is working.

I spent 30 minutes in a queue on the PTR, but there’s no chance there are 15 others trying to test it at the same time.

There’s an NPC to teleport you to dungeons, but I wish there was a way to get into instanced PvP games solo.

I was thinking that yesterday, I wish there was a way to get into the new BG map and just poke around and see it.

But odds are pretty low of getting a game in the PTR unless they do a battle the blues event or something almost on one qs for PvP on PTR

I’ve never been able to get games even within those windows.

They really should just open the maps up to scrutiny.

I suppose they’re hesitant to allow people to test for exploits and such, but if I was a dev, I’d want it to happen on the PTR and not in live games.

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on a 5 game winstreak on my rogue and the next game i got was a 1250 lobbie

like i know its placement games but jeez… no idea why its going down so low… especially after giga win streak?

it also sucks cuz i only got 80 CR for winning that game. if i had appropriate MMR maybe i woulda got twice the rating gains. kinda lame

You do know that this thread isn’t a complaint thread, don’t you?

it is now

It sounds like they are going to show personal MMR data to players for the first time in a long time.

Maybe people will finally learn the difference between CR, MMR and TAMMR.

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Unlikely though.

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itsa just gonna make people complain about being 1800 mmr with 1300 mmr teammates is my guess

maybe they should blur out every1 elses mmr to avoid this lol

People will always complain.

It’s what we signed up for, team matchmaking based on average MMR.

I also don’t think it will display until the final scoreboard.

Now that we can see how it works, we will be able to ask for changes to get MMR issues fixed and improve the game mode. Having it visible is a massive win