They have some abilities referencing blademasters. In one of the betas (i think it was wod) arms even had a burning blade ability. But blademasters just aren’t straight up warriors as wow knows them. Any kind of stealth would be well out of place. And mirror image is a mage spell. They actually call out blademaster specifically as not really making sense:
“For iconic Warcraft character archetypes, we wanted to be sure that we could deliver on their fantasy with World of Warcraft’s classes. Blademasters just wouldn’t be Blademasters without abilities like Wind Walk and Mirror Image, but those abilities don’t fit in a warrior’s toolkit.”
Mirror Image was given to mages, as that made more sense, and is more in-line with classic fantasy courtesy of D&D.
Wind Walk as an ability became Rogue’s stealth, but the movement speed would be left alone until Windwalker Monks received it as a passive.
And the whole duelist/samurai warrior style didn’t fit into the warrior archetype. It only ever worked with a particular kind of orc, with a particular kind of style, with a particular kind of background, making it a rather poor direction for Warriors which was a baseline class for all races until TBC when Draenei and Blood Elves couldn’t be warriors (as their type of “warriors” were Spellbreakers and Paladins/Vindicators respectively).
Mirror Image really isn’t that iconic of an ability from WC3. The only thing that Blademasters had that were an iconic ability was Bladestorm, which was an ability that did make their way to Warrior’s toolkits.
Basically … Blademasters were improved upon to such a drastic degree from Warcraft III that honestly, it is just pure nostalgia for the idea of a blademaster specialization that remain. Which is hardly a good way to build something meant to be far more universal rather than specialized.
All I’m thinking of imagining that is:
“My god, I wonder what kind of horrific abominable freeze frame creepypastas would come from seeing every race be distorted to try to have that fancy of an animation for something so basic.”
I understand, but I still believe that at least Mirror Image could be something… interesting, having a copy of the warrior for a while that doesn’t deal damage but confuses the enemy, or at least Bladestorm like Samuro’s as mentioned above.
Kinda thought it would’ve been cooler to encounter an expanded Burning Blade clan with dangerous warriors, rogues, and mages. Instead it’s only been the warrior, warlock, and shaman in classic and warlords.
True. The closest they get is they have Bladestorm but the theme of Blademasters is more of an agile samurai-type sword fighter while WoW Warriors are more of a typical brute-strength fighter.
You can make a transmog for an Arms Warrior that looks the part well enough, but they’d lack most of Blademaster’s more iconic abilities.
I don’t know where people get the idea that Blademasters are closer to Monk, a class based on NOT using weapons that has none of the Blademaster’s skills in their toolkit.
BMs are mainly warriors who wear little to nothing as armor. The Mirror Image is the idea that they move so fast, they can leave copies behind. Wind Walk is similar to a vanish+ambush from Rogues, but also based on speed. Chance to crit is clearly a Warrior theme. And Bladestorm is self-explanatory, being also quite similar to Whirlwind. It’s about blade techniques and fighting lighter and faster.