About Blademasters in Warcraft 3

That’s what I first thought about Blademasters in the past…

They do have some “zen” theme, though. Medition, spirituality, etc, seems to be a thing there.

But I think that’s more shamanic than monkish. It’s more likely devs used some BM themes to make Monks. The only “windwalker” there is in the name.

Blademasters were originally going to be the Orc/Warrior Prestige class - Blizzard’s original idea for class design! During the development of the original release, every race/class combo could unlock a Prestige class after hitting 60 and doing some crazy unlock quest. If they went with this prestige system, we’d have had Necromancers, Archmages, Arch Druids, Wardens, Demon Hunters, Bishops, etc. since 2004! Every race/class combo was going to have another skill tree that unlocked at 60, similar to what EverQuest was doing at the time for max levelers. During development, the idea was scrapped in favor of the class design we know. Supposedly, balancing such a system was nightmarish, given the crunch to finish the darn thing.


So, basically, Blizz gave up on the idea because of balancing issues?

Tbh the Blademaster archetype has always been really quirky and out of place

Doesn’t really have a niche anywhere in the current warcraft universe. They are just glorified rogue-monk-warriors.

I made an Orc monk inspired Blademaster myself but even playing pretend will get you so far. For what’s a Blademaster if he never uses his blade? (And being limited only to Polearms) Honestly the smallest changes I could ask for are making a glyph for spinning crane kick to actually use the monks weapon and maybe if we’re really lucky: Have Dance of Chi-ji be a guaranteed proc when using Storm, Earth, Fire.

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that’s really one of the things I hear most from people who play as a monk - the weapons being hidden in several skills.

I mean…I don’t think Samuro has…aged well…

Tbh I’d love to see if we could get more about the different cultures/languages/practices/architecture of each of the old world and new world clans (though most young orcs identify as part of the horde now)

But they’d have to do some work on the burning blade. We…got barely anything in WoD. For any clan, honestly. It sucked.

As a class, I think folks have hit the nail on the head, you’ve got windwalker monk :3 I just wish we could use our weapons instead of just our fists.


totally agree

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Classes got shifted more into the core classes we have now. Some speciality classes got pushed out because they were similar.
Funy part is when they were hot on the evolution hype that was popular in MMOs, Lineage 2 and a few others at the time, would of been cool but a more permanent spec swap so couldn’t change out. Was taking a lot of time and money in development so eventually got scrapped because it was giving 2-3 evolution choices (to start with). You get your warrior to max level choose one hero class, do a legendary questline, raids, pic one of the evolutions and now you’re the hero class, special glows were talked about. Also talk of attunement required l.E multiple max levels of that class.
But parts were kept bt Blizz I.E the one expac you did legendary weapon quests that was though of from that. Deathknight was first hero class and most popular for Pally evolution, they made it its own seperate class was easier that making 20-30 something hero evolutions and armor sets every patch and expansion. Was a now lost tank spec that was amazing heavy heavy armor class and insane healer class for pally evolution that ustalised a giant tomb.
Rogue evolution one class was demon hunter, and the gun hero class with grapple lost but skills used now by rogues but was far enough along to relise in a following expac they just sat on it.
Original roll out was going to be 1-2 hero classes per quarter or expac cant remeber was pre-litch king.
The class you talked about was one of the original hero classes talked about.
In TWW they found an interesting hero idea in talents but it doesnt change gear or class name really but would be interesting for future if they keep it around.

Would have been cool if they gave warriors Blademaster rather than slayer

Wind Walk could have been their class skill


So about hero talents. I fully agree Blademaster should have been a warrior hero talent tree, however: Blizzard ended up declining it because it quote “doesn’t match the warrior class identity”. The similarities begin and end with Bladestorm. However I also think it’s unfair there are more Alliance inspired hero classes (Sentinel, Mountain thane, Oracle, Guardian of the grove/Druid of the claw, ) than there are Horde (Dark ranger, Sunfury, Farseer) I might be forgetting some but they could have at least tried with Blademaster since it’s one of the most iconic Hero specs either for Monk or Warrior. Actually giving Monks Bladestorm over Spinning crane kick and turning Tigers lust into a stealth windwalk. Though it would be cool to spice up warrior a bit too.

Hopefully we can have Blademaster as a hero class next expansion.

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Blademasters will never be and have never been warriors. Warriors wear heavy plate armor, blademasters wear cloth and sandals or nothing at all. It’s like saying warlocks were death knights pre-WotLK because they had death coil.

They are either a unique class or a 4th spec of monks that focuses on weapons. Yea, yea, pandaren learned to be unarmed or whatever, but they already use weapons for auto attacks and many martial arts have emphasis on weapon use, so the two aren’t mutually exclusive.