Oh I see. You’re not a mythic raider but you still want to feel like one.
No, it’s not bad game design. In fact it’s amazing game design because it creates a divide. The players that are truly great, earning rewards for proving they are truly great. And the rest of us, deciding if we want to chase that greatness or are ok being heroic instead of mythic.
Just because I’m fine with not being in the 1% doesn’t mean I’m not going to try to get better for my own sake and for my guilds sake.
You’re so stuck on Mythic Raiding (which I totally believe you’ve done at lvl 19 btw. You’re good I got your back) that’s you’re not understanding that I’ve said multiple times that it’s unnecessary for heroic raiding. Meaning for 99% of players it’s unnecessary. And to bring it back to the mythic group you’re so obsessed with, even Liquid and Echo are on record saying they hate add-ons being part of the race. That they would rather walk in and just figure it out themselves. Even the pros and top 1% understand their is more prestige in figuring it out yourself as opposed to allowing a code to do it for you. Might as well call Race to World First the race to the perfect TAS.
Excuse you. I’m arguing against add-ons. But, DBM helped the first time I tanked a raid because I didn’t know when to taunt. So all I had to do was make sure I could push one button when the red words popped up on screen.
But in case I haven’t been abundantly clear I’m opposed to add-ons.
Or it’s the truth. When one issue keeps happening and the same reason is given it might not be a lie. Sure, it might be, but anyone looking at it from outside Blizz can see that this is an issue.
In fact, every other gaming community I’m active in fails to understand why Blizz allows us to use add-ons at all.
cool? when you start getting up to those bosses and you wipe the raid because your not running the same add on. thats when things get interesting.
yes because with my knowledge of the game im clearly a level 19 char in game.
none of this has anything to do with what i said and is you just barfing out arguments that im not making. blizzard has not learnt thier lesson and keep barfing out at least one fight that basically requires a weak aura to kill it. flat out hands down thats it. they have not learnt their lesson because they keep doing it.
Idc what happens to dbm, wa, bigwigs, or any of all that stuff mythic or not go on about, just leave my baganator/syndicator, handynotes, postal, rematch, etc out of it. They should have put their own coords system in by now, but don’t remove tom-tom either. So, if it’s all or nothing, I’m all for keeping addons.
No, I think they design encounters around player skill, but don’t consider how important addons are involved to elevate player skill.
For instance, many specs would be difficult, if not out right impossible to minmax without addon assistance as well. I doubt a class dev is sitting down and saying “i will design this talent to only be good with addons.”
Or you are trying to create a problem that doesn’t exist.
But, honestly, I don’t see this as a failure on Blizz, or any player individually. This is a failure of educations systems as a whole. It’s hard to think for yourself when computers have been doing it your whole life or most of your life.
Me, I understand the brain is a muscle just like my bicep, and if I don’t use it then it will rot away. So, pardon me for realizing I don’t need add-ons to be good. And for trying to share that info with other. Because, you don’t need add-ons to be good at this game. Like at all, and I’d even say a well coordinated raid group will take down Ovi without add-ons… Because his fight is mind numbingly simple as long as you meet the damage check (and make no mistake that is exactly what Ovi is, the damage check) and before you point out “you’ve never done the pull how would you know.” I know because I love this game, I’ve gotten good without add-ons by studying what I’m going up against, studying my damage output and READING my own spells and understanding the interactions. I don’t need to see the fight first hand to understand what going on. I WILL panic the first few pulls as the guild irons out who does what, but panicking doesn’t justify an addon. It justifies focusing and remembering to do what I know so I can focus on what I don’t. Muscle memory is a crazy thing.