They are a gift. Some galaxy brains decided we need more than Blizz is giving us and created software to help. Some of it went too far and Blizz shut that down, but they did try to accommodate while maintaining the challenging nature.
This ultimately came to a head in Legion (from my understanding) as Add-ons had developed to a point where Blizz was creating encounters that all but required certain add-ons to even manage mechanics. And that’s obviously an issue. If I CHOOSE to download an addon to make something better or easier that’s one thing. When I’m forced to download an addon simply to complete an expansion is where the issue lies.
This seems to have been remedied. Encounters are tough, some add-ons were banned and overall raiding is a challenge without a group requiring an addon (even DBM is optional, unless you’re a good tank, as the mechanics of Nerub’Ar are pretty easy) which would seem to take the discussion off the table… But it isn’t.
Blizz is still talking about how they are having to keep add-ons in mind still to this day. They’ve been able to do it, sure
But just like us being required to have add-ons at one point in the game is wrong, it’s also wrong to expect Blizzard to balance encounters around unaffiliated add-ons.
Honestly, with the add-ons we do have access to, we are almost certainly making balancing more difficult for them as well. Though they have only mentioned about encounters. The balancing aspect is something I theorize as an issue. So, ignoring that, we still have encounters being shaped by add-ons, which takes away from time Blizz could be putting towards other things we want. New classes, new races, engaging patch content. The more time Blizzard has to spend tweaking an encounter because DBM/WA can tell us too much is time they don’t have to put towards those other aspects we are asking for.
I know Blizzard isn’t a small developer. WoW isn’t a new game. Blizz 100% has a headstart on everything. But then allowing us to use these outside codes inside their game just means the employee hours they have are even more limited, because at the end of the day Raids are the most interacted with endgame content. M+ starts strong but is already falling off this season (congrats if you’re still finding groups, just know you’re one of the lucky ones). Raid encounters will always take the lions share of endgame development.
So, we are left with a question as a player base, do we want to keep our add-ons (DBM/WA) and continue to get mid content everywhere else or can we accept when Blizz limits add-ons even more to alleviate some of the raid development stress?
If they have to spend less time on Raids then they can spend more time balancing classes, balancing M+, balancing delves, maybe even an extra questline or two.
I know I’m going to be labeled a Blizzard Sympathizer or Justificer. And on this topic I am, but I am calling the players out on decisions we are making, not calling Blizz out on how it’s responding to those decisions. At some point we have to realize we can’t have our cake and eat it too. This is an ever evolving game and both sides need to make concessions for it to thrive.