it costs 98,750g in vendor mats (orboreal shards) just to be able to craft a rank 4 leggo in ONE slot.
That’s just in vendor mats.
it costs 98,750g in vendor mats (orboreal shards) just to be able to craft a rank 4 leggo in ONE slot.
That’s just in vendor mats.
dude says they are just returning to the game, guess they shoulda planned accordingly the previous expansion for the leggos in shadowlands 9.2
Yep that is what priced me right out of the game. I could care less after seeing what 9.2 is about. It’s about making folks but tokens in a SUBSCRIPTION GAME!!! i mean seriously they have lost their mind and overplayed their hand. This game is not the end all and is asking too much now.
Someone bought out rank 7 lego waists last night to reset the market. Grabbed one remaining for 70k, flipped it for double and was able to buy basically a free one a few hours later
I’m assuming 6 post OP is not a standard forum poster though.
I am up about 1 mil met gold since patch day and I have got 3 max rank legos. If you want gold it’s not hard to come by.
No other people said that token sales aren’t server by server.
Which makes them even less fair. Cause legendaries cost less on some servers.
So it might actually be cheaper to buy tokens and legendary base pieces on a different server and pay transfer them…
Ah ok. I checked the most popular servers and 291 legendaries are about 50-60k minimum. I checked the lowest pop servers and the legendaries, aside from being few and far between, sit around 200k-250k.
Transfers are $25 I believe. So no matter the scenario I think it’s cheaper to buy two tokens unless you can squeeze out a free transfer somehow along the way. Realistically, unless you’re playing on a dead realm, 1 token will always cover the cost. (I haven’t dealt with tokens/transfers except for 1 realm change and faction change (both of which my friend paid for at no request on my part), so I’m not super informed on how this whole scheme would play out.)