they set the amount of the gold you receive from quests and the vendor value of the soul bound quest items. but not drops you could put on the ah. that is all player driven.
also blizz has nothing at all to do with the price of tokens. they set it at 30k and all throughout WoD they were 20k. they added the ability to turn it into bnet balance some time in legion iirc and that jumped the prices up. blizz doesn’t set those prices. the price went up because you could buy other blizz games etc with it so the value of them went up.
I have been put in my place by smarter people… token sales are region wide… so if legendaries are 40k on your server you can buy 2+ with a token but if they’re 300k+ on your server then you just buy more…
Never like this before, though. Let’s not play pretend. This is far, far, far, more intense than it’s ever been. It’s like how mandatory legendaries were in Legion, but with the added bonus of being something people make and charge an arm and a leg for.
This is leagues beyond anything we’ve seen in terms of mandatory cash-flow.
We wanted professions to be useful, but not like this. I mean sure, probably, the people willing to go through the effort for the professions are making bank (at least the early adopters), but that’s not what we meant. This is way beyond how important professions should be, and the cost is ludicrous.
They’re all part of the game but… other games that have crafting being really important don’t really suffer this because of how they’re designed. It’s like WoW took the idea, and forgot what made it good and workable and fun.
The legendary system this expansion is miserable because they made it a gold sink and a material sink. You have to make 45 junk legendaries with outrageously expensive price fixed vendor mats to craft your own, so it is sink an unreasonable amount of gold and materials or buy from someone else who did that. Makes legendary crafting/selling mostly being done by bots laundering their botted gold and mats, and some servers have way way more bots than others.
Are you saying I attempted to “put you in your place”? I’ve had a long day and my reading comprehension isn’t immaculate.
But I’ve been agreeing with you this whole time. I refuse to buy a token because I just don’t like burning the money, but seeing the prices of legendaries half made me relieved that I wasn’t gonna have to grind to afford the 200k (never bothered with making gold especially and never spent it well, so I’ve got a long way to go regardless). However, I highly doubt they’ll depreciate much more judging by how 262s are going. Those below 262 are quite cheap now, though. 190s I’ve seen are sub 100 gold, in fact.
I hate legendaries in this xpac, they feel like legendaries in name only
Blizzard designed a system that was guaranteed to generate token sales, knowing that a lot of players would either be in no position to generate that kind of gold on their own, or would be stuck on a server where the market was controlled by one self-styled tycoon, giving them the choice of paying real money for multiple tokens to buy the item, or paying real money for a server transfer.
It’s not a coincidence when game mechanics result in increased profits. It never is.
IMO legendary prices aren’t high enough in slower realms. We don’t have the luxury of making 500k profit/piece and it’s entirely unfair. I’d love to see a more balanced structure in the future.