Is there someone else we can go to about this issue given we aren't getting a satisfactory response? Like an ombudsman for other services I guess? I'm assuming not given it's 'just a game' and it might be in the terms and services that they can give us crap service and we can like it or lump it... but surely there has to be something we can do other than give up and cancel subscriptions?
Over a month of this is absolutely ridiculous. I don't like to complain unless I feel it's really warranted, but come the !@#$ on, enough is enough.
Yes, the ACCC as Mimixy mentioned
As Blizzards Oceanic servers are in Australia, the services Blizzard provides is subject to ACCC consumer guarantees, which is how Valve got fined for millions for not offering refunds for poor quality games
"All goods come with automatic consumer guarantees that they are of acceptable quality and fit for the purpose for which they were sold, even if the business is based overseas"
I just asked in general chat in Arathi Highlands if anyone else is lagging. I received so many responses saying everyone is lagging.
I think Blizzard isn't aware that most people are lagging, and just not reporting it....
I see frequent complaints in general and guild chat of people lagging in every open world zone, anyone not experiencing consistent lag issues every day is definitely in the minority.
09/16/2018 08:53 PMPosted by
So uh, I do not mean to derail this thread, but this is also happening on US servers now. The exact same issue. I've found 1 of the 2 servers I play on to experience it. Everyone in Tiragarde Sound tonight noted there was spell/casting and loot lag.
Well this is actually good news for us playing Oceania.
If the US servers start suffering the problem then Blizzard might have to wake up and start looking at the problem properly.
So no offence to you but I hope your lag starts going through the roof!
Mythic dungeons, island adventures, Battlefronts, new raids...all this new stuff will have passed us by once we finally get to play the game properly again.
Took me 2 hours to log in. World MS is almost 2k. Logged out and now unable to log in.
This is occurring on Saurfang in Vol'dun right now. And Arathi (according to the guild).
The lag in Arathi is so bad right now.
I was just running around herbing in Tiragarde Sound and at roughly 7:05pm AEST I had the delay in combat and looting appear.
Character: Chaosrider
Zone: Tragarde Sound
Server: Dath'Remar
Warmode: off
Solo play
No addons at all
latency to server: 21/21ms (Hasn't changed all day)
Still happening when I ported to town at 7:25pm
09/16/2018 11:40 PMPosted by
I just asked in general chat in Arathi Highlands if anyone else is lagging. I received so many responses saying everyone is lagging.
I think Blizzard isn't aware that most people are lagging, and just not reporting it....
Thank the lord I don't need to do WQ anymore.
Now i have no more need to be out in the world - where the lag was at some time unplayable even though ingame was showing 15ms for both world & home.
In 5 man dungeons & raids - where I mostly reside now - no lag :D
Trying to kill rares in Arathi is impossible. Casts are taking 5 or 6 seconds to register. Looting is taking upwards of 30 seconds. This makes the game unplayable IMO.
Hey guys, I haven't logged in for a couple of weeks. Has the lag that stopped me leveling improved at all?
To shreds you say?
Well after more than a month and 1200 posts, Blizz must have communicated what the issue is, right?
To shreds you say?
Welp, back to Destiny 2 and Monster Hunter World. Call me when I can enjoy the experience I'm paying for.
The lag in Arathi was so bad tonight folks, so bad, that I got the same pair of Honourbound Leggings three times...
But I didn't get the appearance until the third drop!
**Canned laughter**
I'm here all week because that's how long it's going to take to get kill credits...
Its the worst I've ever seen in Arathi tonight. 5 seconds to loot.
This is really ridiculous. not posting any details because I dont see the point any more.
There must be a lawyer or law students among those lagging? Can we get some class action going against Blizzard? The Australian Consumer Act has us covered. We just need to take a stand. One month and still no solution or urgency is ridiculous.
The Zone you are in: Winterdeep Basin
The character you are on: Uxe
How long ago you had the issue: now
The Realm the affected character is on: Nagrand
If you are in a group or not: not
Is war mode on or off: not
09/17/2018 04:47 AMPosted by
There must be a lawyer or law students among those lagging? Can we get some class action going against Blizzard? The Australian Consumer Act has us covered. We just need to take a stand. One month and still no solution or urgency is ridiculous.
It doesn't.
You're free to stop playing at any time.
The game is "fit for purpose". You can play it. The latency means the experience is not fantastic, but no one denies you can't play the game.
I am not sure where people get the idea that the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) is a magical fix it all. It is not.
And if you seriously believe that Blizzard "waiting for people to unsub to fix the lag" then you're in the realm of lizard people conspiracies. They are trying to fix it, I promise you.
09/17/2018 04:16 AMPosted by
Hey guys, I haven't logged in for a couple of weeks. Has the lag that stopped me leveling improved at all?
To shreds you say?
Well after more than a month and 1200 posts, Blizz must have communicated what the issue is, right?
To shreds you say?
Welp, back to Destiny 2 and Monster Hunter World. Call me when I can enjoy the experience I'm paying for.
Even on EverQuest Project 1999 which is run by fans off personal income and donations, I never experienced server lag like this, even in very busy trading spots like East Commonlands tunnel.
While I still love classic EQ, I also want a more active at all levels modern fantasy MMORPG to be a part of. It is honestly reaching the point in Oceanic WoW that I almost feel I'd be happier if I didn't login at all, sub time paid in advance be damned.
Hey all,
Sorry there haven't been updates. We don't tend to pop in unless there's something to share, and at present I have no further information to give you. We appreciate the details that have been shared lately as we've got a lot of information. Now we're just waiting to see what comes of that data and further testing.
I mostly just wanted to bump the thread and let you know we haven't forgotten about you.
Just sticky this thread because honestly the Oceanic Community know it isn't going away anytime soon.
Changing DNS sometimes fixes my issues. try and
Been following this thread since page 1.. and it's page 62 now with not a single update from blizzard that actually helped us...
As far as I can tell, they still can't see the lag on their end (or it would be fixed) or they are not even trying.
If they actually tried to fix this problem, they would have it fixed way before 5 weeks.
There's no way a company like blizzard wouldn't be able to solve this issue fast.