Ability/Loot Lag on Oceanic Servers Despite Normal Latency

09/13/2018 10:21 PMPosted by Vlaski
Sounds like Oceanic servers are owed sub!

Lol, we can dream.
Right now
Warmode Off

Two or three second delay in casting, looting. Same issue as before.
Who's ready for a fun filled weekend of playing like it's 2004 again?

Maybe Blizzard is just giving us the "Classic" experience that everybody wanted.
We appreciate the details that have been shared lately as we've got a lot of information.

What did that information tell you and how does it apply to fixing this issue.

More details please.

Now we're just waiting to see what comes of that data and further testing.

What further testing and how much longer is this expected to take

You can drop in once or twice a week and say that all you like but unless you actually give people reason to believe that this issue is actually being worked people will continue to lose faith that blizz actually cares.

I am seeing messages in Trade and elsewhere. People are just walking out the door.
09/13/2018 07:00 PMPosted by Drakuloth
Hey all,

Sorry there haven't been updates. We don't tend to pop in unless there's something to share, and at present I have no further information to give you. We appreciate the details that have been shared lately as we've got a lot of information. Now we're just waiting to see what comes of that data and further testing.

I mostly just wanted to bump the thread and let you know we haven't forgotten about you.

Sad, but thank you very much for letting us know.
Warmode off
FIVE SECOND loot lag and three second cast lag.
12/11 ms.

Died due to this in a basic quest.

Comments in zone

"I can blink and keep running and I get there before the blink does"

"May as well be on US servers for all the good it does"

"US runs better than this at 200 ms"

please do me a favor and just unsub, so i can sub again and maybe my lag problem is gone :P

i suspect the server cannot accomodate all the returning player

So blizz wont do anything, they just wait, and when ppl start to unsub and server back to normal, they will inform you all that the lag problem is FIX !!!
09/14/2018 04:35 AMPosted by Rampok

please do me a favor and just unsub, so i can sub again and maybe my lag problem is gone :P

i suspect the server cannot accomodate all the returning player

So blizz wont do anything, they just wait, and when ppl start to unsub and server back to normal, they will inform you all that the lag problem is FIX !!!

I didn't think this was even remotely likely, but it's Friday night, less people are on, and there was no lag for the first time at night (for me) since the game launched. Even the guild bank lag was gone. I don't know what to think now.
Guess Blizzard really don't care about this game anymore.
The Zone you are in: - Stormsong Valley

The character you are on - Naturepants

How long ago you had the issue - Yesterday

The Realm the affected character is on - Nagrand

If you are in a group or not - Not grouped

Is war mode on or off - Off

"Ghost" lag in Stormsong Valley right now. It's horrible to play like this. Even the old days of 250ms ping when connecting to America were better than this.

As far as I can tell, there are no world quests active right now that would attract people to change shards/servers frequently, so this issue may not necessarily be caused by that specifically.
The Zone you are in: VOLDUN
The character you are on: Nashwan (My monk)
How long ago you had the issue : Approximately 4 hours ago. 8pm server time.
The Realm the affected character is on : Saurfang
If you are in a group or not: Soloing
Is war mode on or off: War mode was off.

Many people in Voldun zone chat were complaining about the intense loot lag. I was on my Monk and my usual 3.7 second Fists of Fury ability would sometimes channel for 8-10 seconds. Everyone who complained had War mode off. The people with War mode on said they were not having an issue.
09/13/2018 07:00 PMPosted by Drakuloth
Hey all,

Sorry there haven't been updates. We don't tend to pop in unless there's something to share, and at present I have no further information to give you. We appreciate the details that have been shared lately as we've got a lot of information. Now we're just waiting to see what comes of that data and further testing.

I mostly just wanted to bump the thread and let you know we haven't forgotten about you.

Thanks for the non-update Drakuloth.

I understand you, personally, can't do anything about this. You're currently bearing the brunt of the feedback, it won't feel good. I suspect the part which feels the worst is that you're performing your role but you're being let down by the people who should have had a fix for this four weeks ago.

The art team has done a great job, the outfits and building design are great.
The zones are well made too, they looked great, although some of the ups and downs were irritating to navigate.
I enjoyed what I got to play of the story, Drustvar was really well told, or would have been if the lag wasn't there.

All of those teams did a great job, they should be proud of their work but they've been completely let down by the infrastructure/server team. My suspicion is you've all been let down by the bean counters but that's just deductions based on experience, in and out of WoW, from the observed problems I had while playing.

A friend, who'd like me to play WoW with her, just sent me a message saying:
"They must know whats going on, you would think they would try and work something out"
To make matters worse one of your colleagues made a post I can't reply to, as I don't have an active subscription. So I'm posting here as this thread is about the problems which have stopped me playing. The post I'm linking to is reasons to not bother coming back.

So if you fall behind, say because the server is so laggy you're not enjoying playing and don't think the service provided is worth paying for, you'll be forever behind because of a hidden quest tracking how many times you've killed bosses.
So there's no punishment for swapping items at all.

Great, you get new armor and you lose nothing, if you can put up with the atrocious play experience.

Unlike many mythic raiders I enjoy the leveling experience, I do all the quests, I know this is slower and not optimal but I play the game to enjoy myself and you only get the leveling experience once. Sure you can do it again on an alt but it's never the same as you'll know bits of what happens, it's like watching a TV show or movie and knowing what happens, even if it's only bits of what happens it spoils the experience.

When I've finished doing that I do my best to catch up with my guildmates, normally that isn't a problem as I've got more free time than most players, but this time it hasn't been enjoyable so I've fallen behind.
Now I read that if I come back I'll never be able to catch up because it's not just gear and AP I'll need now. The catch up mechanics make these two things achievable, if you've got the time, but that hidden quest means I'll always be behind.

I know some of you will say that the instance servers are fine, I've heard that too and the dungeons I did were fine too, the Island Expeditions less so, they were often very laggy too.
However there is more to do in the game than instances, I'm behind because I couldn't force myself to play through the lag. I have enough trouble with mental health already, I don't want to force myself to do something unenjoyable, that could be fatal.
Every time without fail whenever i try stepping out of instanced content
Warmode off
atrocious delay when looting, attacking, using abilities, mounting, pretty much playing the game in general
18 MS

I can handle bad reward systems and even poor communication about systems changes, but this is so unbearably grating it makes me groan whenever there's an emissary up that i need to do, because i know i will have to slog through what might aswell be US server lag.
Had to do some farming tonight and gotta say, the lag is getting super old. It's annoying though tolerable enough for me while questing because I eventually run out of quests and go do something instanced. But as a raider and someone with interest in M+, I need to gather some materials. An already laborious task made tougher because the lag is so bad sometimes the Postmaster sends me the herbs that I lagged too hard to actually loot.

Blizzard were already testing outside of peak hours (and therein, no lag) so how do we know anything is actually getting looked at, when all we have is a blue after a week saying "No update folks, thanks for your patience!"

Waiting until enough people quit so that peak time isn't quite as busy is not a viable method of troubleshooting or repair.

A reply with some meat to it is needed to acknowledge how badly the ball has been dropped here.
Last night in Drustvar, pick a herb and see my toon hunched over...five seconds later it appears.....whilst I am under attack.
Right now
this character
7/8 ms home/world
2second lag
warmode off (as if tempt warmode when lag is consistently a problem)
I hate to admit it that I kind of agree that if you haven't identified the cause and steps to fix it after 4 and a half weeks its cause the decision has been made to save money on just hiring a test team in the oceanic reason. Its a daily problem. Not enough is actually being done, WoW brings in millions from the oceanic region every month, this is just someone saying its not yet costing us enough to spend the money to fix and like everyone else I am playing less and less cause I just don't want to feel ripped off by a company who couldn't care less about the customers.
09/14/2018 01:42 AMPosted by Sysop
Who's ready for a fun filled weekend of playing like it's 2004 again?

Maybe Blizzard is just giving us the "Classic" experience that everybody wanted.

At least back in modem using MMO days the games were coded to 'hide' the lag with forgiving mechanics so it wasn't so obvious, and it didn't cripple your game play. Nowadays MMOs like modern WoW expect low latency and the UI simply can't handle high latency gracefully.

So to let high server-side latency persist for a month in modern WoW... well, I know I regret paying my sub in advance.
it's really sluggish feeling right now chaining abilities and playing in general as well as the unstable fps. I'm going to wait until they fix it and come back i guess. Even at 20's home and world its laggy and sluggish and when there are more people around it gets worse and worse.
09/14/2018 06:17 PMPosted by Andrewg
Even at 20's home and world its laggy and sluggish and when there are more people around it gets worse and worse.

This seems to be it for me, too. Sometimes the lag is more or less unnoticeable, but only when I seem to be alone - as soon as someone else appears, the lag comes back with a vengeance. Experienced it this morning in Tiragarde and Zuldazar.