Ability/Loot Lag on Oceanic Servers Despite Normal Latency

09/01/2018 02:18 PMPosted by Coco
Aussies seem to think they are so special....they need to remember that many more people play on these !@#$ty servers that are Oceanic that do NOT live in Australia! Oceanic does not equal Australia solely.

You're not on an Oceanic server. Just sayin'
Hi Coco

Posted by Coco
Aussies seem to think they are so special....they need to remember that many more people play on these !@#$ty servers that are Oceanic that do NOT live in Australia! Oceanic does not equal Australia solely.

This is NOT gm Tey

Im sorry that your having problems with your country of residence. Here at Nationality tech support we are currently working on a solution to help everyone be "Australian" I know this can sometimes feel unfair and as a citizen of somewhere else I do sympathize, Just last week I was somewhere I didn't want to be and became frustrated that I wasn't from Australia so we do feel your pain.

I have a couple of suggestion that you might want to try.

First have you tried disabling mods in your life to see if that helps you Immigrate more effectively. If that doesnt work try deleting your WTF folder and your cache. Also if you try running TRACERT to see where you actually come from this may give you a better idea of how to become Australian.

We appreciate your understanding and hope that youll be "Australian" soon.

Please find included in this reponse...a free Priminister for your trouble.

Regards NOT gm tey
09/01/2018 02:18 PMPosted by Coco
Aussies seem to think they are so special....they need to remember that many more people play on these !@#$ty servers that are Oceanic that do NOT live in Australia! Oceanic does not equal Australia solely.

No one is denying that.

But when you live a few suburbs from the supposed servers and get single digit MS to the server yet experience this 5-10 second loot tag and very noticeable delays when using abilities there is a problem.
Another day Blizzard refuses to address the issue.
09/02/2018 05:16 PMPosted by Reyb
Another day Blizzard refuses to address the issue.

Just so you know, it's a national holiday weekend here in the states. Not a ton of coverage
Okay, so here's what I wrote in my ticket to Blizzard:

Okay, so I'm opening this ticket because the community has had literally almost NO COMMUNICATION on the lag issues that are continuing to afflict the Oceanic servers. We're getting frustrated considering this has gone on since launch and has been ZERO communication from Blizzard staff about this for over a week. We humbly request that a technical support representative check the following link and reply in the thread so that we can get an update on what is being done to resolve this issue. You can also speak to me if you would like.


This is affecting ALL Oceanic realms. Please get back to us as soon as you can as this has been going on for nearly a month now and would like this resolved.

Here is the answer I got back:

Hey there <Name>!

Tech Specialist Raurler here!

Read over this and as far as the issue goes, this is something that's being looked into and this has been mentioned a few times in the thread that was linked:


We are going to be posting updates as we get them to that thread. With that said there aren't always updates to share and so there may be a few days in between posts on the forums.

At the moment we are gathering info but past that, we don't have any further updates to share at the moment.

Please do take care and don't forget to continue being epic!

Just for everyone's information.
I'm having the same issue last exp I played on frostmourne with 140-160 ping and no input lag. This season I've had 220-230 consistent ping along with a full 1-2 second delay when i type in chat (inside instances or out of) and ability delay is also about 1 second.
Just so you know, it's a national holiday weekend here in the states. Not a ton of coverage

Then maybe its time we got an Aussie service centre that runs on OUR time and provides us with local support.
It's been 7 days now since an update.. any update....whilst blizz have responded to like 100 other threads in that time... takes 5 seconds to pop in here and give us a short update
I feel like they're not even aware that we're having latency issues:


The monitor being used is using a VGA cable. I would try something more new like an HDMI or DVI-D cable and see if that may make a difference.
09/02/2018 05:48 PMPosted by Laurs

Hey there <Name>!

Tech Specialist Raurler here!

Read over this and as far as the issue goes, this is something that's being looked into and this has been mentioned a few times in the thread that was linked:


We are going to be posting updates as we get them to that thread. With that said there aren't always updates to share and so there may be a few days in between posts on the forums.

At the moment we are gathering info but past that, we don't have any further updates to share at the moment.

Please do take care and don't forget to continue being epic!

Just for everyone's information.

Translation: We know there's an issue we just couldn't be !@#$ed doing anything about it.
Thats another toon death thanks to server lag.
How many more of these reports do you want/need.

I know that the updates may not be there but you could just come in here and continue to acknowledge.

Customer service skills are lacking here.
09/02/2018 11:38 PMPosted by Alicenne
How many more of these reports do you want/need.

I know that the updates may not be there but you could just come in here and continue to acknowledge.

Customer service skills are lacking here.

It's been mentioned previously, but it's a public holiday long weekend in the US this weekend. We're not likely to get a response until tomorrow at the earliest.
Aman' thul oceania : unplayable for me

-the lag occurs anywhere

-when lag occurs the (home) and (world) latency reports do not show any lag, just the usual 40/42 ms.

| WinMTR statistics |
| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
| m.home - 0 | 357 | 357 | 1 | 2 | 44 | 2 |
| No response from host - 100 | 72 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| No response from host - 100 | 72 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
|Bundle-Ether12.lon-edge901.melbourne.telstra.net - 0 | 357 | 357 | 14 | 33 | 188 | 32 |
|bundle-ether10.exi-core10.melbourne.telstra.net - 0 | 357 | 357 | 22 | 33 | 181 | 36 |
|bundle-ether12.chw-core10.sydney.telstra.net - 1 | 345 | 342 | 24 | 45 | 185 | 38 |
|10gigabitethernet7-1.chw45.sydney.telstra.net - 1 | 345 | 342 | 25 | 44 | 235 | 36 |
| equini3.lnk.telstra.net - 1 | 353 | 352 | 25 | 46 | 186 | 44 |
| xe-1-0-0.gw101.sy1.ap.equinix.com - 1 | 349 | 347 | 24 | 42 | 178 | 37 |
| - 1 | 353 | 352 | 28 | 42 | 185 | 36 |
| - 0 | 357 | 357 | 24 | 43 | 184 | 28 |
| - 1 | 353 | 352 | 25 | 43 | 188 | 41 |
WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
And another night of server side lag.

Just leaving this here...


Thats right...we (Australian users of these Oceanic servers) have rights that are legally enforceable.
It is literally becoming impossible to play this game during Peak hours in Australia. The responses from Blizzard are disgraceful (just read through the Posts to see how few there are). We are your Customers. You should be keeping us informed and up to date on what you are doing to fix this. How many more Posts do you need in this Thread before you actually act? If we all started cancelling our Subscriptions, would you act then? Or is it because we are the Oceanic (Australia) customers and you don't really care about us. Respond here. Give us something. Not just silence. Show us that you actually care.
What I find disturbing is that we have been asked for data and we have provided it..yet what we dont have is any idea of:

What the issue is..not even a guess.

What data is needed and what will be required to obtain it.

When we can expect a fix or even any kind of update on what they have found after almost a MONTH of feedback.

When they think they may actually KNOW what the issue is and iof they can give us any kind of timeframe as to when we may expect a better quality of gameplay or of we can expect it all.

Last Blue reply was on August 25.

Date today is Sept 3 - nine days later and all we get is silence.

I am aware that this is a complex issue but I ask bluntly how much longer we can expect this issue to continue and how and when we may expect some kind of communication.

I am seeing complaints in every part of BFA content and a lot of very frustrated people.

Blizzard devs or techs: please advise.
Lag issues are still persisting today/tonight. I feel like at this point Blizzard have put their collective heads in the sand and are ignoring the issue altogether.
It's so bad in Nazmir at the moment that you're probably better off trying to get onto a US shard via the group finder.